‘When Can We Go to School?’

‘When Can We Go to School?’ Nearly 300 Million

Children Are Missing Class.


Only a few weeks ago, China, where the coronavirus outbreak began, was the only country to suspend classes. But the virus has spread so quickly that by Wednesday, 22 countries on three continents had announced school closures of varying degrees.


The speed and scale of the educational tumult — which now affects 290.5 million students worldwide, the United Nations says — has little parallel in modern history, educators and economists contend. The effect of closing them for days, weeks and sometimes even months could have untold repercussions for children and societies at large.


In some countries, older students have missed crucial study sessions for college admissions exams, while younger ones have risked falling behind in reading and math. Parents have lost wages, tried to work at home or scrambled to find child care. Some have moved children to new schools in areas unaffected by the coronavirus.


School and government officials have sought to keep children learning — and occupied — at home. The Italian government created a web page to give teachers access to videoconference tools and ready-made lesson plans. Iran’s government has made all children’s internet content free.


The offline reality, though, is challenging. Technological hurdles and unavoidable distractions

pop up when children and teenagers are left to their own devices — literally.
