


1387年,英國詩人傑弗雷·喬叟(Geoffrey Chaucer)在《坎特伯雷故事》(The Canterburry Tales)中用中古英語寫道:

In daunger hadde he at his owene gyse

The yonge gerles of the diocise,

And knew hir conseil, and was al hir reed.


In his own power had he, and at ease,

The boys and girls of all the diocese,

And knew their secrets, and by counsel led.

他所寫的yonge gerles其實就是指young people,包括了boys和girls。那時girl是不涉及性別的,如果人們需要區分男孩和女孩怎麼辦呢?他們會加限定詞knave或gay。用knave girl表示男孩,用gay girl表示女孩。

到了十五世紀早期,girl的詞義就開始慢慢變化,開始有了性別上的區分。十六世紀中葉,英國作家約翰·海伍德(John Heywood)寫道:

The boy thy husbande, and thou the gyrle his wife.

用現在的話來說就是:The boy is your husband, and you, the girl, is his wife(男人是你的丈夫,而你,女人,是他的妻子)。這時候,girl越來越多用於指女性了。
