
截止今天為止,全世界新冠肺炎感染人數已經超過100萬例,並在以每天10萬例的速度增長,死亡人數已經超過5萬人。沒人確切知道最終感染人數會達到多少例,最終死亡人數能到多少人,但可以確定的是,新型冠狀肺炎已經成為世界性的災難,一場近幾十年來罕見的浩劫。有學者甚至預測,這次新冠肺炎將成為一場劃時代的事件,世界歷史將會出現“新冠前”(BC, Before Corona)和"新冠後"(After Corona)的時代劃分。



1 Put the blame on others

The boy spilled milk on the dining table but he tried to put the blame on his brother.

2 Shirk one's responsibility

Congressmen are trying to shirk their responsibility when the war is lost.

3 Pass the buck

The minister was accused of passing the buck when he defended himself in congress.

第3種是比較口語化的說法。"甩鍋的人"可以被稱作"buck passer"。