“I have a sweet tooth”可不是“我有一颗甜牙齿”



have a sweet tooth 爱吃甜食

to like things that taste of sugar

•I have a sweet tooth, so I couldn’t live / without sweets.↘


bittersweet 〔情感、记忆或经历〕苦乐参半的;〔味道或气味〕甜中带苦的,又苦又甜的

feelings, memories, or experiences that are bittersweet are happy and sad at the same time or a taste or smell that is bittersweet is both sweet and bitter at the same time

•This photo reminds him↗/ of the bittersweet memories↗of his childhood.↘


keep sb. sweet 讨好某人,巴结某人

to behave in a pleasant friendly way towards someone, because you want them to help you later

•I’m trying to keep Mum sweet / so that she’ll lend me the car.↘
