


Lesson 1-10 彙總練習課新美啟培訓出品







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Lesson 1~2:陳述句,疑問句,一般疑問句(兩種回答)

Lesson 3~4: 否定句 (not 的位置),倒裝句,省略祈使句

Lesson 5~6 : A 和 an /特殊疑問句結構 /選擇疑問句/ 介紹他人,國籍

Lesson 7~8: 以what引導的特殊疑問句/ 身份,職業,自我介紹

Lesson 9~10 :以How引導的特殊疑問句/問候三部曲/形容詞的用法

Part 1 每課重點梳理




Eg: This is Miss Sophie Dupont. I am a nurse. My name is Robert. Look at that man, he is fat/old/hot….

Part 2 句型複習回顧

【否定句】在 Be動詞之後加否定詞not.

This is not my umbrella.

【一般疑問句】句式結構:be 動詞+主語+。。。?(把Be 動詞提到主語前面,其他不變);回答用yes,或者no, 這兩種形式;

Is this your umbrella? Yes, it is.No, it isn't.

Part 2 句型複習回顧


1,第一部分: 不是yes, 就是No.

2,第二部分:問誰答誰。回答中的主語須與問句中的主語一致(但必須用主格代詞) Eg: Is this your handbag?—Yes, it is/ No, it isn't. Is he your brother?– Yes, he is/ No, he isn't.

3,第三部分:用什麼問,用什麼答。(注意人稱變換)Is this your handbag? Yes, it is Are you a teacher? -- Yes, I am

Part 2 句型複習回顧

【選擇疑問句】提出兩種或兩種以上的情況,要求對方選擇其一, 用 or 連接,就是多選一的疑問句;回答不能用yes, 或no, 需要說其中一種選擇。

Is she a student or a teacher?---She is a student.

【 How 引導關於"如何"的特殊疑問句】可以詢問健康狀況/一般生活狀況。 句型結構:How+一般疑問句(be動詞+主語)。。。?Eg: How is Emma today? She's fine.


Part 2 句型複習回顧


1, what 作 n. 用來詢問某些事物是什麼。 句型結構: what+一般疑問句(be動詞+主語,兩部分)。。。? Eg: what's your job? I'm a teacher.

2,what 作adj.,和一些名詞搭配可以用來對多種情況提問。 句型結構:what+n.+ 一般疑問句( Be 動詞+主語, 兩部分)? Eg: what nationality are you? I'm French.


Part 2 句型複習回顧

【倒裝句】 句型:Here is…是倒裝結構。 正常語序:my ticket is here. 倒裝句:當表示強調時,往往傾向於用倒裝來表示說話的重點。 完全倒裝,不完全倒裝。Eg:Here you are. Eg: Here is my ticket.

【自我介紹】My name is…../ I am…..

【介紹他人/某事物 /某地】This is……

【引起注意】Look at that….,

Part 2 句型複習回顧

1,He is a new teacher.

A, 否定句; B, 一般疑問句+肯定回答; C, 選擇疑問句/ a student ;D,對teacher進行提問

2,Lucy is French.

A, 否定句; B, 一般疑問句+否定回答; C, 選擇疑問句/ Chinese;D,對French進行提問

3, This is my red umbrella.

A, 否定句; B, 一般疑問句+否定回答; C, 選擇疑問句/ handbag;D,對 Red 進行提問

4, It is a Ford. (福特汽車)

A, 否定句; B, 一般疑問句+否定回答; C, 選擇疑問句/ Toyota;D,對 Ford 進行提問

Part 3 句型練習

Part 4 句子檢測


1,This is Miss Sophie Dupont. Sophie is a new student. She is French.

2, And this is Chang-Woo. He's Korean. Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you, too.

3, Excuse me! Yes? Is this your umbrella? Pardon? Is this your handbag? Yes, it is. Thank you very much.

4, My book and my watch, please. Here is my ticket. Thank you, sir.

5, Is this your shirt? No, it isn't. Is this it? Yes, it is. Thank you very much.

Part 4 句子檢測


6,I am a new student. My name's Robert. Are you French? No, I am not. I am Italian.

7,what nationality is Lucy? She is Chinese. Are you Chinese, too? No, I am not. I am German.

8, what's your job? I'm an air hostess. And you? I'm a housewife.

9, What make is your car? It's a Ford. What color is your handbag? It's red.

10, Is She a teacher or a student? She is a teacher. She is from Beijing.

Part 4 句子檢測

Part 4 句子檢測


1,Excuse me! Good morning!/Good evening/ Nice to meet you./ Pardon?

2, What's your name? Sorry, could you please spell your name? What's your first name? What's your family name?

3, Long time no see, how is your work? How is your life? How is…?

4, Where are you from? Where is …from?

5, What's your job? What's her/his job?

6, What make is your mobile? What make is your computer?

7,Goodbye, see you.

Part 5 單詞檢測

1,hairdresser goodbye young Italian fine

2, nationality what operator handbag very much

3, Pardon number umbrella Japanese engineer

4, Keyboard air hostess milkman dirty

5,nurse housewife taxi-driver

6,Swedish Korean daughter mother, father, son, daughter, sister

7, hot cold busy lazy busy tall short thin


5個形容詞 5個國籍 5個名詞 5個代詞,主格,所有格形容詞 3個be動詞

說出3個有關身份,職業的名詞 說出5個家庭成員的名詞。。。

Part 5 單詞檢測

[ʌ] nut / colour / must /bus / mother

[a:] fast / card / park / last / hard / dark

[æ] bad / apple / taxi / man / back / cat

[ai] hi / fine / goodbye/ nice/ night

Part 6 語音強化訓練

1,情景:學校,早晨,你和好友(不是學生)見到一個新來的同學; 關鍵詞:姓名介紹,來自哪裡/國籍,身份/職業。



4,情景:晚上,你和好友好久不見,噓寒問暖下,再問問一個你們共同的好友如何,共同的好友情況非常好,表示非常高興聽到這個消息。(pretty good! Very glad to hear that.)

Part 7 互動對話練習




Lesson 1~2:陳述句,疑問句,一般疑問句(兩種回答)

Lesson 3~4: 否定句 (not 的位置),倒裝句,省略祈使句

Lesson 5~6 : A 和 an /特殊疑問句結構 /選擇疑問句/ 介紹他人,國籍

Lesson 7~8: 以what引導的特殊疑問句/ 身份,職業,自我介紹

Lesson 9~10 :以How引導的特殊疑問句/問候三部曲/形容詞的用法

Part 1 每課重點梳理




Eg: This is Miss Sophie Dupont. I am a nurse. My name is Robert. Look at that man, he is fat/old/hot….

Part 2 句型複習回顧

【否定句】在 Be動詞之後加否定詞not.

This is not my umbrella.

【一般疑問句】句式結構:be 動詞+主語+。。。?(把Be 動詞提到主語前面,其他不變);回答用yes,或者no, 這兩種形式;

Is this your umbrella? Yes, it is.No, it isn't.

Part 2 句型複習回顧


1,第一部分: 不是yes, 就是No.

2,第二部分:問誰答誰。回答中的主語須與問句中的主語一致(但必須用主格代詞) Eg: Is this your handbag?—Yes, it is/ No, it isn't. Is he your brother?– Yes, he is/ No, he isn't.

3,第三部分:用什麼問,用什麼答。(注意人稱變換)Is this your handbag? Yes, it is Are you a teacher? -- Yes, I am

Part 2 句型複習回顧

【選擇疑問句】提出兩種或兩種以上的情況,要求對方選擇其一, 用 or 連接,就是多選一的疑問句;回答不能用yes, 或no, 需要說其中一種選擇。

Is she a student or a teacher?---She is a student.

【 How 引導關於"如何"的特殊疑問句】可以詢問健康狀況/一般生活狀況。 句型結構:How+一般疑問句(be動詞+主語)。。。?Eg: How is Emma today? She's fine.


Part 2 句型複習回顧


1, what 作 n. 用來詢問某些事物是什麼。 句型結構: what+一般疑問句(be動詞+主語,兩部分)。。。? Eg: what's your job? I'm a teacher.

2,what 作adj.,和一些名詞搭配可以用來對多種情況提問。 句型結構:what+n.+ 一般疑問句( Be 動詞+主語, 兩部分)? Eg: what nationality are you? I'm French.


Part 2 句型複習回顧

【倒裝句】 句型:Here is…是倒裝結構。 正常語序:my ticket is here. 倒裝句:當表示強調時,往往傾向於用倒裝來表示說話的重點。 完全倒裝,不完全倒裝。Eg:Here you are. Eg: Here is my ticket.

【自我介紹】My name is…../ I am…..

【介紹他人/某事物 /某地】This is……

【引起注意】Look at that….,

Part 2 句型複習回顧

1,He is a new teacher.

A, 否定句; B, 一般疑問句+肯定回答; C, 選擇疑問句/ a student ;D,對teacher進行提問

2,Lucy is French.

A, 否定句; B, 一般疑問句+否定回答; C, 選擇疑問句/ Chinese;D,對French進行提問

3, This is my red umbrella.

A, 否定句; B, 一般疑問句+否定回答; C, 選擇疑問句/ handbag;D,對 Red 進行提問

4, It is a Ford. (福特汽車)

A, 否定句; B, 一般疑問句+否定回答; C, 選擇疑問句/ Toyota;D,對 Ford 進行提問

Part 3 句型練習

Part 4 句子檢測


1,This is Miss Sophie Dupont. Sophie is a new student. She is French.

2, And this is Chang-Woo. He's Korean. Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you, too.

3, Excuse me! Yes? Is this your umbrella? Pardon? Is this your handbag? Yes, it is. Thank you very much.

4, My book and my watch, please. Here is my ticket. Thank you, sir.

5, Is this your shirt? No, it isn't. Is this it? Yes, it is. Thank you very much.

Part 4 句子檢測


6,I am a new student. My name's Robert. Are you French? No, I am not. I am Italian.

7,what nationality is Lucy? She is Chinese. Are you Chinese, too? No, I am not. I am German.

8, what's your job? I'm an air hostess. And you? I'm a housewife.

9, What make is your car? It's a Ford. What color is your handbag? It's red.

10, Is She a teacher or a student? She is a teacher. She is from Beijing.

Part 4 句子檢測

Part 4 句子檢測


1,Excuse me! Good morning!/Good evening/ Nice to meet you./ Pardon?

2, What's your name? Sorry, could you please spell your name? What's your first name? What's your family name?

3, Long time no see, how is your work? How is your life? How is…?

4, Where are you from? Where is …from?

5, What's your job? What's her/his job?

6, What make is your mobile? What make is your computer?

7,Goodbye, see you.

Part 5 單詞檢測

1,hairdresser goodbye young Italian fine

2, nationality what operator handbag very much

3, Pardon number umbrella Japanese engineer

4, Keyboard air hostess milkman dirty

5,nurse housewife taxi-driver

6,Swedish Korean daughter mother, father, son, daughter, sister

7, hot cold busy lazy busy tall short thin


5個形容詞 5個國籍 5個名詞 5個代詞,主格,所有格形容詞 3個be動詞

說出3個有關身份,職業的名詞 說出5個家庭成員的名詞。。。

Part 5 單詞檢測

[ʌ] nut / colour / must /bus / mother

[a:] fast / card / park / last / hard / dark

[æ] bad / apple / taxi / man / back / cat

[ai] hi / fine / goodbye/ nice/ night

Part 6 語音強化訓練

1,情景:學校,早晨,你和好友(不是學生)見到一個新來的同學; 關鍵詞:姓名介紹,來自哪裡/國籍,身份/職業。



4,情景:晚上,你和好友好久不見,噓寒問暖下,再問問一個你們共同的好友如何,共同的好友情況非常好,表示非常高興聽到這個消息。(pretty good! Very glad to hear that.)

Part 7 互動對話練習