







Dear Joseph,

I enjoyed reading your thoughtful letter...you are really thinking deeply.

...In regard to your comment about more Worldly success bringing less happiness, it is very often true. The Bible says "the love of money is the root of all evil." Not money, but the LOVE of money is the root of all evil. Money is just a tool...a good servant but a cruel master. Everything belongs to God because He created everything...and it is God that gives us the ability to obtain wealth and success. The Scriptures teach that when God gives us wealth, He does it so we can share it with those in need, not just spend it on ourselves...a car, a bigger house, etc. The Scriptures also teach that we were born into this world with nothing, and we will not take anything with us when we leave it...so therefore we are taught to "store treasure in heaven where moth and rust cannot destroy it." And that "treasure in heaven" refers to the things we do that please God, that lift Jesus Christ high...things like sharing with the poor, with orphans, with widows, and with people in need; being kind; helping others; etc. These are the things for which God will reward His Children at the time of the Final Judgment. God's ways and the World's ways are totally opposite.

I will look forward to seeing you again soon!

God bless you,


In regard to 關於…,這是常用短語。

more Worldly success bringing less happiness,more...less與more...more句型相似,只是成反比。

Money is just a tool...a good servant but a cruel master,如果崇拜金錢,那金錢就成了主人,這個主人是很殘酷的;如果金錢僅是工具,那金錢就是一個好的僕人。

God that gives us the ability to obtain wealth and success,我們財富和成功來自何處是決定一個人的人生態度,如果認為來自自己的能力,那就很容易變得驕傲,離毀滅就不遠了。


in need,在危難中,在困難中。Karen強調要儘自己最大的努力來幫助別人,去關懷他人、幫助他人,如此才會有一個幸福美好的人生。她在美國本有個好的生活,但她十多年沒有回家,總是在世界各地幫助那些需要幫助的人。

born into this world with nothing,空手來到這個世上。

"store treasure in heaven where moth and rust cannot destroy it."把財富存在天堂,在那裡蟲子和鏽無法摧毀它。這是基督教一個相當重要的教義。如果我們能把孩子教育成有博愛之心的人,能把幫助給予親人,給予朋友,甚至給予窮人、孤兒、寡婦及有困難的人,那就把財富存在天堂。

God's ways and the World's ways are totally opposite,上帝之道與世人之道正好相反。


本段重點:the LOVE of money is the root of all evil!
