10个荒谬的健康神话——NO.9 晚餐太丰盛会使你发胖



NO.9 晚餐太丰盛会使你发胖



If you’re trying to lose weight, one of the many, many pieces of advice you’ll get is the importance of keeping your dinner light, as well as not eating really late at night. It sounds bogus at first, much like all the other weight loss advice scattered across the Internet these days. According to science, however, there’s a definite connection between the timing and quantity of your dinner and that unflinching belly.

In one study, researchers found that the people who have over 33 percent of their daily caloric intake in the evening have a much higher chance of being overweight, as opposed to those who have their heaviest meals earlier in the day.Not only that, but research also suggests that a heavier breakfast—or any breakfast, really, as many people skip that—lowers your chances of being obese.
