

With all eyes on Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's upcoming nuptials, it's pretty easy to forget about all the things that will take place after the big day.


Marrying into British royalty is a bit different than becoming a Disney princess.


By that we mean there are rules.


Here are some things that Markle will be barred from doing after she says "I do" at St.George's Chapel in the spring of 2018.

以下是 2018 春天,梅根在聖喬治教堂說了「我願意」之後,她即將被禁止做的事情.

No more autographs.


As an actress, Meghan Markle has likely signed her fair share of autographs.


As a soon-to-be royal, however, those days are now behind her.


The reason for this is understandable: royals are prohibited from signing autographs due to the risk of signature forgery, as explained by Express.


But, what fun are rules if you can't break them — or at least bend them — from time to time?


When asked to sign autographs, Prince Charles usually defaults to an apology and tells the public he is unable to do so, according to The Telegraph.


Be that as it may, when visiting Cornwall after major flooding, a man whose home had been badly damaged asked for his John Hancock.


Charles, feeling moved, obliged by writing "Charles 2010."

查爾斯受到感動,便寫下 「查爾斯 2010」

Markle did something similar in January of 2018 for a 10-year-old fan.

馬克爾在 2018 年 1 月時,為一位 10 歲小粉絲做過類似的事

According to Time, instead of signing her name on the paper provided, Markle simply wrote "Hi Kaitlin."


Voting is out.


Meghan Markle is far from a political — she's been vocal about a number of issues over the years, and has a history of activism.


Robert Lacey, a historian and biographer of Queen Elizabeth told The Guardian this might be an issue,

Robert Lacey,一位研究伊莉莎白女王的歷史學家和傳記作者告訴《衛報》,這樣可能會引起麻煩

"I can see that this is going to be a real problem in the months and years ahead for her, an existential problem.


I don't imagine the Queen will be in a rush to have Meghan at the royal family's vacation house in Scotland when Trump visits."

This poses a bit of a conundrum for Markle as a soon-to-be member of the royal family because they are expected to stay mum regarding politics — including their thoughts on specific politicians.


Per the official website of the British royal family, the Queen must "remain strictly neutral with respect to political matters."


This includes voting in elections.


Although the Queen is the only one explicitly prohibited from politics, members of the royal family abide by the same policy.


No bare legs for Meg


When pictures surfaced of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle announcing their engagement, your eyes may have fixated on the ring immediately.


But Markle's legs were what actually stole the show that day.


Specifically, her bare legs.


Royal expert Victoria Arbiter explained the situation to Business Insider, saying, "You never see a royal without their nude stockings. I would say that's really the only hard, steadfast rule in terms of what the Queen requires."

皇室專家 Victoria Arbiter 向《Business Insider》解釋她說:「從來沒有皇室成員不穿膚色絲襪,我認為這是女王唯一嚴格且堅持的要求。 」

It could be that Markle didn't know the pantyhose policy at that time, as she now appears to abide by the Queen's preference, at least at royal events.


New bedtime


In an interview for the book The Royals in Australia, the Queen's private secretary told of Princess Diana's agony while sitting through long royal dinners.

一次關於《The Royals in Australia》一書的訪問中,女王的私人秘書提到黛安娜王妃忍受冗長的皇室晚餐有多痛苦.

He explained, "There'd be an hour or so in the sitting room of everyone sitting around making conversation, and nobody felt it right to go to bed before the Queen did."

他解釋:「大約有一個小時左右的時間,大家會坐在房間裡交談直到女王就寢才有人敢動身。 」

Eventually, Diana got so sick of the pomp and circumstance that she'd excuse herself and go to bed anyway, despite it being considered bad form.


If Markle is looking to stay in Queen Elizabeth's good graces, she probably shouldn't follow in Diana's footsteps.


No more acting When someone marries into a royal family, their careers don't often come with them.


Grace Kelly, who was an actor prior to marrying Prince Rainier III of Monaco, left her Hollywood career behind.

葛蕾絲·凱莉在嫁給摩納哥親王 Prince Rainier III of Monaco 前也是一名演員婚後便放棄了她的職業.

Markle has decided to follow suit — by quitting USA's Suits after seven years.


"I don't see it as giving anything up. I just see it as a change. it's a new challenge, It's a new chapter."

「我不認為這是放棄。我把它看作一種改變,一個新的挑戰、新的章節。 」

"Whatever we have to tackle together or individually will always be us together as a team."


Her final role may just be a one-off: as a royal bride at the much-anticipated and widely televised royal wedding.


Traveling solo is a no-go Meghan Markle's days of being able to travel solo are already becoming a thing of the past.


According to Express, the royal-to-be was issued royal protection officers in the wake of her engagement to Harry.


According to royal expert Gordon Rayner, royal tours around the globe may look effortless to an outsider, but they can actually take six months to plan.

根據皇室專家 Gordon Rayner 指出,皇室出遊在外人看來很輕鬆事實上,要花上六個月規劃.

He added that their site visits are hardly ever longer than 40 minutes at a time and they likely will not travel to that same location again.

他補充,他們在每個景點幾乎不可能待上 40 分鐘也不太可能再舊地重遊.

Thankfully, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle will at least get a real honeymoon.


Well, as real as you can get when you need to be guarded 24/7.

當然,也是全程 24 小時被守衛著

