




Here is a picture, interesting/simple/attractive/common but/and with profound/education implication. As is vividly depicted in the photo, ......

Here is a cartoon, impressive and with profound intended meaning. As first glance, it is vividly depicted in the photo that ......

As is apparently drawn in this miniature, ......

This is a series of interesting and thought-provoking pictures. ......

Here are two pictures, both simple and with similar implication. As is vividly depicted in the first photo, ...... In the same way, the second picture describes that ...... finally, completing the comparison of the two pictures. Apparently, what the two drawings have subtly conveyed by their analogy deserves further analysis.


What the drawer conveyed in the picture can be clearly and accurately summarized as following: ......

After careful reflection and mediation, we examines come to understand the enlightening drawing. I contend that this thought-provoking image conveys one profound layer of implication concerning attitude or optimism. ......

Just as the picture shows, ......

Theoretically, several reasons may trigger the problem conveyed in the picture, but for my part, the following two are of utmost importance. ......

The aim of the picture is to illustrate that practicing filial piety is of great importance in our current society. ......


According to the analysis above, it is advisable for us to take steps to get the utmost out of the quality. Of all the steps, mass media tends to function essentially in popularizing it. Only in this way can we make the best of the value of ......(主旨) and let it contribute to our life.

In accordance with the discussion mentioned above, it is essential for us to take effective steps to popularize the quality. Of all the measures, mass media tends to function essentially in the job. Only in this manner can we make the utmost of the character and embrace a bright future.

Based on the aforesaid discussion, it is distinctly significant for us to take action to carry forward the quality. Of all the steps mass media tends to function essentially in the job. Only in this way can we bring the innovation into full play.

In light of what I have analysed above, it is advisable for us to take steps to reverse this evil trend. Of all the steps, mass media tends to function essentially in the job. Only in this way can we tackle this problem and embrace a bright future.

In line with the discussion above, it is necessary for us to take action to reverse this bad trend. Of all the available methods, to add more exercise activities and to broadcast more knowledge on health tend to function essentially in the issue. Only in these ways can we come to settle this problem.

