练就“英语之外有英语”:Ask for the moon

练就“英语之外有英语”能力:Ask for the moon

练就“英语之外有英语”:Ask for the moon

如果你“学”英语以后身边根本没有“使用英语的语言环境”,如果你不想让自己的英语“白学”,你就要练就“英语之外有英语”的语言能力,也就是见英语能Put English into English的能力,也就是新东方俞敏洪说的“自己创造语言环境,自己跟自己对话”。

练就“英语之外有英语”:Ask for the moon

1) 改掉“见英语说中文”的“坏毛病,坏习惯”吧

Ask for the moon

1. I just asked them if we could go to lunch a little earlier, and they're acting like I'm asking for the moon!

2. I'm not taking out all the green jellybeans for him, he's asking for the moon!

3. She's asking for the moon, and she's not going to get it.

4. Don't ask for the moon. Be reasonable!

5. $1,000 for her birthday? Mary might as well be asking for the moon.

见到上句里的Ask for the moon,你是努力问自己中文“什么意思”?还是问自己英语:What does ask for the moon mean?

2) 英语之外有英语,Put English into English口语训练

1. Well,ask for the moon is an English idiom(既然是idiom,就不能按字面理解的,英语英文都一样)

2 . Well,if you ask for the moon, you ask for something that you cannot possibly have.

3. When people ask for the moon,they make requests or demands that are unreasonable.

4. If you ask for the moon, you are making an unreasonable demand,or unattainable request

5. Sometimes we can also say to cry for the moon instead of saying ask for the moon

练就“英语之外有英语”:Ask for the moon

你就是要练就用 ask for something that you cannot possibly have, make unreasonable requests or demands, making an unreasonable demand,or unattainable request这些“学过”的英语理解记忆ask for the moon的“能力”(把你学过的英语用起来),而不是用中文“癞蛤蟆想吃天鹅肉”之类的中文理解它。

