

最近知名媒體SKY NEWS試圖從冰島足球的崛起評價中國男足,看看人家怎麼說的吧。


Huge outdoor screens have taken over the courtyards of Beijing's hutong, the narrow lanes that make up the old city.Messi and Neymar grin out from posters at bus stops, while on TV, the advertising hoards trumpet Chinese companies, wiht Wanda, Vivo, Yadea and Mengniu Dairy among the brands leaving Western audiences scratching their heads.With the World Cup in full swing, 100,000 Chinese people are reportedly making the trip to Russia.There's only one thing missing: the Chinese football team.(巨大的戶外屏風已經佔領了北京胡同的庭院,這些狹窄的小巷構成了舊城區。梅西和內馬爾在巴士站的海報上咧嘴一笑,而在電視上,這些廣告囤積了中國公司,包括萬達,Vivo,Yadea和蒙牛乳業,這些品牌讓西方觀眾刮目相看。據報道,隨著世界盃如火如荼,據說有10萬中國人正在前往俄羅斯。唯一缺少的東西是中國足球隊。)


China's national side is very, very bad. They have appeared only once at a World Cup, in 2002, when they failed to score a goal and lost every match.And that was a high point, just by dint of actually making it to the tournament.In their 2018 qualifying campaign, they lost to Syria, Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan (although they stuffed Bhutan 12-0).Their last competitive match, in the East Asian Championship, was a draw with North Korea.For Chinese people, this under-performance is an embarrassment.(中國國家隊表現非常非常糟糕。 在2002年的世界盃上,他們只出現過一次,當時他們沒有進球並輸了每場比賽。這是一個高點,實際參加了比賽。在2018年的排位賽中,他們 輸給了敘利亞,烏茲別克斯坦和哈薩克斯坦。他們在東亞錦標賽上的最後一場比賽是與朝鮮的平局。對於中國人來說,這種低水平的表現令人尷尬。)


Four years ago, Chinese goverment declared China's ambition to be a football "superpower" by 2050 - hosting and hopefully winning a World Cup by then.And the goverment unveiled a 50-point plan that would leverage the full resources of the world's second biggest economy, building 20,000 training centres and 70,000 pitches by 2020.(四年前,中國政府宣佈中國有望在2050年成為足球“超級大國” - 當時主辦並有望贏得世界盃。還發布了一項50分計劃,將充分利用資源是全球第二大經濟體,到2020年將建設2萬個培訓中心和70000個培訓基地。)


That announcement led to huge private investment in the domestic league, with magnates drawing up giant lottery-sized cheques to import European and South American talent.Players like Oscar and Hulk arrived here for in excess of £50 million each. Marcelo Lippi, the national team coach, earns £18m a year, making him the highest paid manager in the world.(這一消息引發了國內聯賽的大量私人投資,巨頭們製作了巨型彩票大小的支票來進口歐洲和南美的球員。像奧斯卡和綠巨人這樣的球員每次都來這裡超過5000萬英鎊。 國家隊教練Marcelo Lippi每年獲得1800萬英鎊的收入,使他成為全球薪酬最高的經理人。)



China has a good chance of qualifying for the next World Cup in 2026 - only because FIFA plans to expand the number of teams participating 32 to 48.(儘管如此,中國隊很有可能在2026年的世界盃,這只是因為國際足聯計劃將參賽隊數從32個增加到48個。)



