
一句話瑜伽,第112期Irene:我過去認為,一旦我變老,生活會變得更容易。I used to think that life would get easier once I was older.

總有一天我醒來,擔心的事情會更少,掙扎的事情更少。That one day I would wake up with less things to worry about,fewer things to struggle through.

但現在我看到,我越老,事情會有更多潛在的施壓,更多的責任,更多的混亂。But now I see that the older I get the more things there are to potentially stress about,more responsibility,more chaos.And in that exists freedom.

因為外部世界似乎從來沒有變得更容易。Because the external world never really seems to get easier.

是的,某些時刻比其他時候挑戰性更大,And yes,some moments (days/months/years) are more challenging than others,

這就是為什麼我們必須完成分內的工作。But this is why the real work has to be done within ourselves.

學會剛柔相濟,去應對生活的挑戰而不陷入僵局停滯。To be strong yet fluid enough to move through life's challenges without becoming hardened and shut off.

明白了有時感覺到是最難的部分,但也是最美麗的部分。knowing that sometimes feeling is the hardest but most beautiful part.

