Would you like to have a few fingers?一點都不嚇人

接著上期,今天繼續學習Joanna為你精選的美劇英語口語 ~

美劇英語 | Would you like to have a few fingers?一點都不嚇人

1. Speak of the devil -- it's the devil.


平時口語表達當中形容“說曹操,曹操就到”,只需要用Speak of the devil開頭即可,

Speakof the devil! Everyone was just talking about you.


Look! Speakof the devil and he just appears.


Speakof the devil, she is one of the secrets of this company's success.


美劇英語 | Would you like to have a few fingers?一點都不嚇人

2. Would you like me to pour you a few fingers?


finger在這裡並非“手指”,而是在喝烈酒時候,(表示容量的杯中酒的深度) 一指之寬

A finger of a strong alcoholic drink is an amount of it which, when it is in a glass, is the same size as the width of a person's finger.

I poured two final fingers of bourbon into my glass.


美劇英語 | Would you like to have a few fingers?一點都不嚇人

美劇英語 | Would you like to have a few fingers?一點都不嚇人

3. If either party attempts to double-cross the other


double-cross, 可作動詞和名詞,表示“欺騙,陽奉陰違,出賣,欺騙行為,賣行為

If someone you trust double-crosses you, they do something which harms you instead of doing something they had promised to do. / an act of betrayal

.Don't try and double-cross me, Taylor, because I'll kill you.


Mr Arbor squawked that the deal was a double-cross.


美劇英語 | Would you like to have a few fingers?一點都不嚇人

4. His hours are numbered.


number基本意思是“數字,編號”,在這裡作為動詞搭配短語“時間 + be numbered ”指“壽命不長,時日無多,沒落”

If you say that someone's or something's days are numbered, you mean that they will not survive or be successful for much longer.

Doctor, help! Her time is numbered!


Critics believe his days are numbered because audiences are tired of watching him.


美劇英語 | Would you like to have a few fingers?一點都不嚇人

5. Our old man knocked us around when he needed to.


knock是"猛烈地敲打,撞擊",knock someboday around 把某人周圍全身都猛烈敲打,就是形容“毆打,粗暴對待,在肉體〔精神〕上虐待”

He lied to me constantly and started knocking me around.


If that man knocks his wife around any more, he'll be sent to prison.

要是那個人還虐待妻子, 他就要被送往監獄。

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