



1 a few. 有一些。

2 about when? 大約何時?

3 after you. 您先。

4 all set? 一切妥當?

5 allow me. 讓我來。

6 any clues? 有線索嗎?

7 any discount? 打折嗎?

8 any seats? 有空位嗎?

9 anything else? 還要什麼嗎?

10 anything new? 近來如何?

11 anything wrong? 怎麼了?

12 apparently so. 顯然是吧!

13 are you? 你是嗎?

14 at last! 終於好了!

15 back off! 滾開!

16 bad idea. 歪點了。

17 bad news! 壞消息,真抱歉!

18 be calm. 保持冷靜。

19 be careful! 注意!

20 be good. 乖乖哦!

21 be honest. 老實說。

22 be patient! 忍著點!

23 be polite! 斯文些!

24 be quiet! 安靜!

25 be reasonable. 講理哦!

26 be serious. 說真的。

27 beautiful day. 好天氣。

28 beautiful job! 絕妙佳作!

29 behave yourself. 規矩一點!

30 believe me! 相信我!

31 better not! 最好不要 .

32 big deal. 有啥了不起!

33 bless me! 天啊!

34 bless you! 祝福你!

35 bottoms up! 乾杯!見底!

36 buck up! 快點!

37 bye now! 拜拜啦!

38 call me... 叫我……

39 can't complain. 好得沒話說!

40 can't wait! 不能等了!

41 certainly not! 才不咧!

42 cheer up! 振作!

43 chill out! 別怕!

44 clumsy me! 笨死了!

45 come here! 過來!

46 control yourself! 剋制一下!

47 could be. 可能是吧。

48 damned fool! 真是笨哦!

49 dead tired! 累死了!

50 don't bother! 別麻煩!


