听美剧学英语46期:I don't need your gratitude 不需要你的感激

Hello,这里是地道英语,我是W!今天这个视频来自Desperate Housewives的第一季第11集。Rex在情妇家羞羞的时候突发心脏病入院,Bree因此知道了Rex出轨的事情。Bree对丈夫Rex恨之入骨,但无奈在两个孩子的威胁下只能将Rex接回家中照顾。这段对话发生在Rex刚回到家中不久,Bree给Rex送来精心准备的一个餐盘。快来跟W一起看看里面地道的英语表达吧!

听美剧学英语46期:I don't need your gratitude 不需要你的感激

REX: Just so you know, I really am grateful for everything you're doing for me. 只是想让你知道,我很感激你为我做的一切。grateful: 感激的、感谢的

BREE: Oh, I don't need your gratitude. You're only here because your children are master extortionists. 哦,我不需要你的感激。你在这里的唯一原因,是你的孩子们都是一流的勒索者。gratitude: 感谢、感激 master: 精 通 的 、 优 秀 的 extortionist: 强求者、勒索者 extort[v]敲诈 extortion[n] 敲诈

REX: So you didn't tell them about... 所以你没告诉他们… tell about: 谈及

BREE: Your adultery? No. I decided to keep that little gem all to myself. 你的出轨行为?不,我决定把这块“宝石”留给自己。adultery: 通奸 decide: 决定 gem: 宝石,精华,极品

听美剧学英语46期:I don't need your gratitude 不需要你的感激

REX: Listen, I know this is a real imposition. 听着,我知道这是很不合理的要求。imposition: 强加, 被迫接受,过分的要求

BREE: Yes, it is. The doctor said you could be here for weeks. 是的,这是医生说你可能要在这儿呆好几个礼拜。

REX: Would it make you feel any better if I told you I'm sorry for what I did? 这会不会让你觉得好过些,如果我告诉你我对所做的事情很抱歉?feel better: 感到好些 sorry for: 为…道歉

BREE: Yes it would...if I still felt anything for you. But as it stands, the place you used to occupy in my heart is very much empty now. 是的,那会。如果我对你还有任何感觉的话。但事实是,你过去在我心里占据的位置现在已经差不多空了。feel for: 对…产生某种感情 as it stands: 按照现实的情况,事实上 used to: 过去常常 occupy: 占领、住进 in my heart: 在我心中 empty: 空的

REX: You must still feel something for me. 你肯定对我还有感觉。

听美剧学英语46期:I don't need your gratitude 不需要你的感激

BREE: And why do you think that? 你为什么那么想?

REX: Oh come on, Bree, look at this. You're using the good china, freshly pressed napkins, flowers from the garden. This tray was prepared with loving care. 哦,拜托。 Bree,看看这一切。你用了上好的瓷器, 刚刚压过的餐巾,花园里的鲜花。这个托盘是用爱心准备的。china: 瓷器 freshly: 新鲜的 press: 压、按 napkin: 餐巾 flower: 花 garden: 花园 tray: 托盘、碟 prepare with: 用…准备 loving: 爱的 care: 关心、照顾

BREE: Do me a favor, Rex. Please don't mistake my anal retentiveness for actual affection. 帮我个忙 Rex,不要错把我的强迫症当做真正的情感。do one’s a favor: 帮某人的忙 favor: 支持、喜爱 mistake for: 把…错认为 mistake: 犯错、误认 anal: 肛门的、直肠的 retentiveness: 保持力 anal retentiveness:肛门滞留型人格,强迫症 actual: 实际的、真正的 affection: 爱、感情

听美剧学英语46期:I don't need your gratitude 不需要你的感激


【1】grateful: 感激的、感谢的 gratitude: 感谢、感激

【2】extortionist: 强求者、勒索者 extort[v]敲诈 extortion[n] 敲诈

【3】adultery: [n] 通奸,动词形式为commit adultery for sb 在《一分钟英语口语238期》中有 Because I don't commit adultery like your father。另一种表达形式为fornication,在《 》中有 Daddy's going to fornicate for us! 中 fornicate: [v] 通奸、私通,fornication和fornicator为名词。这两者的区别如下: fornication (voluntary sexual intercourse between persons not married to each other, which would include adultery) and adultery (voluntary sexual intercourse between a married person and a partner other than the lawful spouse)

【4】if I still felt anything for you:如果我对你还有任何感觉的话。You must still feel something for me:你肯定对我还有感觉。还有《 》

【5】anal retentiveness:肛门滞留型人格,既比较注意细节,追求完美,可以理解为强迫症。obsessive-compulsive disorder:强迫症,简写为OCD

