





1、where 句型:

(1) where 引導的定語從句

例:This is the house where he lived last year. 這就是他去年住過的房子。

(2) where 引導的狀語從句

例:Where there is a will,there is a way. 有志者事竟成。 He left his key where he could find. 他將鑰匙放在易找到的地方。 I will go where I want to go. 我要去我想去的地方。

(3) where 引導的表語從句

例:This is where you are wrong. 這正是你錯的地方。 注:引導狀語從句的where= 介詞+the place where (定語從句)

2、wish 句型

(1) wish that sb did sth 希望某人現在做某事

例:I wish I were as strong as you. 我希望和你一樣強壯。

(2) wish that sb had done sth 希望某人過去做某事

例:I wish you had told me earlier 要是你早點告訴我就好了。

(3) wish that sb would/could do sth 希望某人將來做某事 例:I wish you would succeed this time. 我希望你這次會成功。

3、would rather 句型:

(1) would rather do sth than do sth 寧願做……而不願做……

例:She would rather die than turn against his motherland. 她寧可死也不去背叛祖國。

(2) would rather have done sth 寧願過去做過某事

例:I would rather have taken his advice. 我寧願過去接受他的意見。

(3) would rather sb had done sth 寧願某人過去做過某事

例:I would rather I had passed the examination last week.我真希望通過上週的考試

(4) would rather sb did sth 寧願某人現在或將來做某事

例: Who would you rather went with you? 你寧願誰和你一起去?

4、before 句型:

(1) before sb can/ could … 某人還沒來得及……

例:Before I could get in a word ,he had measured me. 我還沒來得及插話,他就給我量好了尺寸

(2) It will be + 時間+ before + 還有多長時間……

例:It will be 4 years before he graduates. 他還有四年時間變畢業了。

(3) had done some time before (才……)

例:We had sailed four days and four nights before we saw land. 我們航行了四天四夜才見到陸地。

(4) It was not +一段時間+ before 不多久就……

例:It wasn’t two years before he left the country. 還沒到兩年他們離開了那國家。

(5) It is + 一段時間+ since從句 + 自。。。已經有一段時間了……

例:It is three years since he begun to smoke. 他吸菸已經有三年了。


(1) It is /was +被強調部分+that(who)...

例:It was I who wrote to my uncle yesterday. 是我昨天給我叔叔寫信的。

(2) Is/was it + 被強調部分 + that (who) ...

例:Was it your brother that you met in the street ? 在街上你遇見的是你兄弟嗎?

(3) Where/who/what/how等特殊疑問詞 + is/was it that ...

例:How is it that you will go to visit her tomorrow? 明天你究竟怎樣去看望她?

(4) do +謂語動詞 (強調謂語)

例:They do know the place well. 他們的確很熟悉那個地方。


(1) should like to/ would like to/ would love to have done sth.

例:You should like to have written to your mother。 你本應當給你母親寫信。

(2) was / were going to do sth.(用過去將來時態表示原打算做什麼)

例:Lucy was going to watch a basketball match. Lucy 原打算看一場籃球比賽。

(3) was / were going to have done sth. 表示未完成原來的計劃和安排

例:Lily was going to have cleaned her bedroom, but she had no time. Lily 原打算清理她的臥室,但她沒時間。

(4) expect, intend, hope, mean, plan, promise, suppose, think, want, wish ... 常用過去完成時態,在這些詞後接賓語從句或者接不定式的一般形式; 或者用一般過去時態後面接不定式的完成形式表示過去未曾實現的願望

例:She had supposed him to be very rich. 她原以為他很有錢。

(5) wish that …had done sth.表示過去未曾實現的願望.

例:I wish he had been here yesterday. 要是他昨天在這兒就好了。

(6) 情態動詞should ,would, could, might, ought to等後接不定式的完成時, 表示過去本該做,打算做,想做而未做的事情.should have done =ought to have done 本應該做而沒做 would have done = 本來就會去做某事而沒做 could have done = 本可以做某事而沒做 might have done 本可以做而沒做

例:They ought to have apologized. 他們本該道歉的。 I could have worked out the problem, but I was too nervous. 我本來可以解決這個問題的,但是我太緊張了。 I didn’t hear the phone.I must have been asleep. 我沒聽見電話鈴響,我一定是睡著了



例:The room is twice larger than that one. 這個房間是那個房間的兩倍大。


例:The room is three times as large as that one.這個房間是那個房間的三倍。

(3)倍數+the size /height/length /weight /width of...

例:The room is three times the size of that one.這個房間是那個房間的3倍大。

8、 It is… that… 句型

(1) It is + 名詞+ 從句

It is a fact/an honour --- that +陳述語氣從句

例:It is a fact that the earth moves around the sun. 地球圍繞太陽轉是事實。

It is a pity/shame/no wonder that + 虛擬語氣從句

例:It is a pity that he should not come. 他若不來可真是遺憾。

(2) It is + 形容詞+ 從句

It is natural/important/necessary/strange that + 虛擬語氣從句

例:It is important that enough money be collected to fund the project. 重要的是募集足夠的錢,為這個項目提供資金。

It is obvious/apparent/clear that + 陳述語氣從句

例:It is clear that she doesn't like the dress at all. 這很清楚她一點兒也不喜歡這條裙子。

(3) It + 過去分詞+ 從句

It is generally believed /accepted/thought/held that+陳述語氣從句

例:It is universally acknowledged that trees are indispensable to us. 全世界都知道樹木對我們是不可或缺的。

It is suggested/ordered/desired/requested/decided that +虛擬語氣從句

例:It is suggested that we should hold a meeting next week.建議我們下週開上會。

9、It + 不及物動詞 + 從句

(1) It seems that

例:It seems that Alice is not coming to the party at all. 看來Alice根本就不準備來參加聚會了。

(2) It happened that...……很偶然.

例:It happened that I won the football lottery last week. 我上星期偶然中了足彩

(3) It occurred to sb that...Sb 突然想到

例:It suddenly occurred to me that I knew how to solve that problem. 我突然想起我知道怎樣解決那個問題.

(4) It appears that.... 看來似乎

例.It appears that Tom might change his mind. 看來湯姆會改變主意




