



“道達爾為成為第一個投資沙特阿拉伯燃油零售網絡的國際石油公司,為此感到非常自豪。“此次合資符合我們在全球快速增長的市場中進行業務擴張的戰略,”市場和服務部總裁兼執行委員會成員Momar Nguer說,“該協議重申了我們與沙特阿美的長期合作關係。在我們對Satorp煉油和石化聯合企業的共同投資之後,我們很高興將我們在零售方面的專業知識和以客戶為中心的方法引入沙特市場,併為當地的就業發展做出貢獻。”

“我對這一重大里程碑感到高興,這將有助於改變英國的燃油零售市場。我們期待著與我們的長期合作伙伴道達爾合作,並利用他們在燃油零售市場的豐富經驗,”沙特阿美石油公司下游高級副總裁Abdulaziz al-Judami說。他補充說:“我們的目標是提高服務質量,並在沙特創造數千個就業機會和額外的投資機會。該項目還將有助於優化我們碳氫化合物資源的附加值。”

兩家公司還與Tas'Helat Marketing Co.(TMC)和Sahel Transport Co.(STC)的所有者簽署了一項協議,收購TMC和STC,從而共同收購現有的270個加油站網絡及其油罐車車隊。沙特阿美公司和道達爾公司計劃對該網絡進行現代化改造,並在選定地點建立服務站。

Saudi Aramco and Total to develop fuel and retail network in Saudi Arabia

Saudi Aramco and Total yesterday signed a Joint Venture (JV) Agreement to develop a network of fuel and retail services in Saudi Arabia.

The 50:50 JV plans to invest around US$1 billion over the next six years in the Saudi fuel retail market.

“Total is proud to be the first international oil major to invest in Saudi Arabia’s fuel retail network. This joint venture agreement is in line with our global strategy to expand in fast-growing markets worldwide,” said Momar Nguer, President Marketing and Services and Executive Committee Member at Total, “This new agreement is also reaffirming our long-term partnership with Saudi Aramco. Following our joint investments in SATORP refining and petrochemical complex, we are pleased to bring to the Saudi market our expertise and customer-minded approach in retail and contribute to local employment development.”

“I am excited about this major milestone, which will help transform the fuel retail market in the Kingdom. We look forward to working together with our long-term partner Total, and draw on their extensive experience in the fuel retail market,” said Abdulaziz Al-Judaimi, Saudi Aramco Senior Vice President of Downstream. He added: “We aim to enhance the quality of services, as well as create thousands of jobs and additional investment opportunities in the Kingdom. This project will also help optimize the total value of our hydrocarbon resources.”

The two companies have also signed an agreement with the owners of Tas’helat Marketing Co. (TMC) and Sahel Transport Co. (STC) to acquire TMC and STC, thereby jointly acquiring their existing network of 270 service stations and their fuel tanker fleet. Saudi Aramco and Total plan to modernise this network and build service stations at selected locations.

This operation is subject to prior approval of the competent administrative authorities.


