深圳中天拍賣今日展出兩件精品瓷器鑑賞:汝窯水洗 鬼谷子青花罐


Shenzhen Zhongtian Auction today exhibited a boutique appreciation: Song Dynasty kiln plus color Yunlong drum needle wash

深圳中天拍賣今日展出兩件精品瓷器鑑賞:汝窯水洗  鬼谷子青花罐


The porcelain is glazed with precious Agate, and its color is unique. It has the praise of "Agate is an ancient glaze". With the change of light, look at its glaze color, like the "rain over the sky and clear clouds" beautiful, gentle and simple. The device table is a small piece of wing pattern, which is called "Pear Crab Claw Sesame Flower". In the Northern Song Dynasty, the porcelain table was often engraved with the word "Fenghua". The minister of Gyeonggi, Cai Jing, once engraved the surname "Cai Zi" for Rongji. Since the Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties, the palace porcelain Ware was used, and the library was hidden. It is called "even if there is a wealth, it is not as good as a porcelain."

深圳中天拍賣今日展出兩件精品瓷器鑑賞:汝窯水洗  鬼谷子青花罐


This kiln water wash, open, flat round, through the body glaze, glaze yingrun hypertrophy, glaze covered with open film, distribution natural. Its shape is small and exquisite, ingenious in conception, exquisite in craftsmanship, subtle in detail, practical and ornamental, and is used in court rooms. It is very rare to keep it intact. The whole kiln is washed in silence, showing a noble atmosphere, quite smooth, elegant, refined aesthetic accomplishments, and has a high collection value.

深圳中天拍賣今日展出兩件精品瓷器鑑賞:汝窯水洗  鬼谷子青花罐


The kiln has daily utensils such as bottles, statues, pods, bowls, plates, washes, cymbals, waterworms, etc.. A few of them are also decorated with flowers, prints, etc.. The bottom is even more blue and white, and most of them are depicted with knives and pens. Printing and other processes. Such as: Tianqing flower pattern goose neck bottle, pink green Lily Lotus, Tianqing Lotus petals deep ventral, Tianqing Peony Dragon, Lotus pattern, radiation pattern Lotus leaf holder seat, radiation pattern convergence mouth flower Bud(Tibetan Henan), dark flower Pisces dish(Tibetan British). In addition, there are words on individual artifacts of the handed down products. For example, the word "Fenghua" is more common in respect, bottles, and discs. "Caibing" and "Ning" are found on small discs and washing. Although the text is not a decoration, it still improves the appreciation of artifacts. Among them, "Fenghua" should be a special object of Songfenghuagong. The shape is divided into foot, flat bottom, three-foot, concave foot, sunflower mouth, narrow plate edge and wide plate edge. The plate is divided into several types: bound foot, concave foot, flat bottom, straight mouth and Lotus mouth. There are also three-legged washing, string statues(), boxes, statues, pots, round pots, etc., as well as a few porcelain plastic crafts such as Lotus seats, Lotus leaf holders, perforators, birds, and dragons. It also uses flowers, birds, insects, and fish decorations to satisfy the leisure of the royal nobles.


Shenzhen Zhongtian Auction today exhibited a boutique appreciation: Yuan Dynasty ghost Valley downhill green flower pot

深圳中天拍賣今日展出兩件精品瓷器鑑賞:汝窯水洗  鬼谷子青花罐


"Ghost Valley downhill" was created during the period when the emperor built a great deal of Meritorious service. If Yuan Qinghua is a milestone in the history of Chinese porcelain, then Yuan Qinghua's "Ghost Valley downhill" porcelain pot is a rare treasure that has opened the world. It is a success. The pot of dominance! It is the exclusive enjoyment of the emperor and the nobility, the symbol of status and taste!

深圳中天拍賣今日展出兩件精品瓷器鑑賞:汝窯水洗  鬼谷子青花罐

《鬼谷子下山》元青花大罐是全球僅存的八件元青花人物故事瓷之一,國家一級文物。素底寬圈足,直口短頸,唇口稍厚,溜肩圓腹,肩以下漸廣,至腹部下漸收,至底微撇,共分四層,一層頸部飾水波紋,二層肩部飾纏枝牡丹、三層腹部為〝鬼谷子下山〞主題紋飾,四層下部為變型蓮瓣紋內繪琛寶,俗稱『八大碼』。此器型大方大器,釉色老練沉穩,罐內又有鳳凰繪飾,工藝十分到位, 其款為〝古相博陵第〞款,相當特別,收藏價值極高。

"Ghost Valley downhill" Yuan Qinghua Big Tank is one of the only eight pieces of Yuan Qinghua character story porcelain in the world, a national first-class cultural relic. The bottom of the wide circle is full, the straight mouth is short neck, the lips are slightly thicker, the shoulders are rounded, the shoulders are gradually widened below, and the abdomen is gradually collected to the bottom, and it is divided into four layers. The neck is decorated with water ripples. The second floor shoulders are decorated with twigs and Peony, and the third floor abdomen is the theme decoration of the ghost Valley. The lower part of the fourth floor is a variant of the lotus leaf pattern. This type of generous device, enamel sophisticated and steady, the pot and Phoenix painting decoration, the process is in place, its model is the first phase of the ancient phase of the Boling, quite special, extremely high collection value.

深圳中天拍賣今日展出兩件精品瓷器鑑賞:汝窯水洗  鬼谷子青花罐


This can shows the scene of Ghost Valley taking a tiger Leopard car to lead a group of people down the mountain in the form of four groups of comic strips. Ghost Valley end sitting in a tiger and Leopard pull in the car, the body slightly forward, look calm, extraordinary as immortal, showing the way of planning, decisive victory thousands of miles away. The two pawns in front of the car held Spears to open the road. A young general, Ying Zi, made a hair, walked along the horse, and held the battle flag in hand. He wrote the word "Ghost Valley" and the Soviet Union rode behind the temple. A group of people and mountain trees and stones constitute a spectacular and beautiful landscape painting.

深圳中天拍賣今日展出兩件精品瓷器鑑賞:汝窯水洗  鬼谷子青花罐


Recently, Shenzhen Zhongtian auction was lucky to collect this treasure "green glaze red ghost Valley down the mountain can." The entire glaze red decoration is rich and colorful, the picture is full, dense and dense, the main time is distinct, and it is uncomplicated. The characters are smooth and natural, full of charm, and the mountains are dyed and dripping. The pen is exquisite and perfect. It is a rare ancient historical art quality, with extremely high appreciation space and market value.

