看美劇學口語:as it happens 碰巧;偶然發生

1.I was so afraid when I suggested a picnic, that you'd make fun of me, but I just think it’s such a lovely, old-fashioned way to spend an afternoon.

我真擔心我提議來野餐, 你會取笑我,但我真的很喜歡野餐,這樣打發時間愉快又老派。

old-fashioned: 老式的

2.Well, as it happens, I'm an old-fashioned kind of guy.


as it happens: 碰巧

3.Oh, and we got so lucky with the weather, it’s just absolutely

而且天氣也很好, 那絕對是-

You know, your lunch hour is almost up. We should probably be getting you back to the pharmacy.


get back to: 回到… pharmacy: 藥房

4.Wait. I've had such a good time, these last few days, I just want to show my appreciation.


appreciation: 感激

5.Another gift? I hope it’s not another orchid, they're so expensive.

另一個禮物? 希望不再是蘭花了,它們太貴了。

orchid: 蘭花 expensive: 昂貴的

6.Relax, this didn't cost me a dime.

放心吧. 這個我一分錢沒花。

relax: 放鬆 cost: 花費 dime: 一角硬幣

7.George, you shouldn't have.

George, 你不必這樣

This is a 9-millimeter Luger PO8! Luger: [德國] 魯格爾(德國造半自動手槍名)

這個... 是一把9毫米魯格爾P08手槍。

8.The moment you said you were in the NRA, I knew I wanted to give it to you.

當你說你曾在NRA時, 我就知道我想把它給你。

the moment: 一…就=as soon as...=the minute=the second=the instant

NRA: The national Rifle Association 國家步槍協會

9.I can't accept this, George! This is an antique. It’s too valuable.

我不能接受這個, George。這是個古董. 它太珍貴了。

accept: 接受 antique: 古董 valuable: 珍貴的

10.It’s okay. My grandfather gave it to me.

沒關係. 我爺爺留給我的。

It was surrendered to him by a soldier

during World War II.


surrender to: 向…投降,讓與 soldier: 士兵

Since I don't know how to shoot


11.It’s so lovely. I mean, look at the handle. Is that mother of pearl?

它太美了。看看那槍柄, 那是珍珠之母嗎?

pearl: 珍珠

12.I think so. Only the officer’s models had that. Do you really like it?


13.Oh, absolutely. George, this is just so much better than an orchid.

當然了。哦, George, 這比蘭花要好多了。

