高中英語 非謂語動詞 過關檢測題一(附答案詳解)

高中英語 非謂語動詞 過關檢測題一(附答案詳解) 專項專練,必有提高!

高中英語 非謂語動詞 過關檢測題一(附答案詳解)

1. Sunday, the students are at home.

A. Being B. To be C. It is D. It being

2.The boy lay on his back, his teeth and his glaring eyes .

A.set;looked B. set;looking  

C. setting looked D. setting;looking

3.All the thing ,his proposal is of greater value than yours.

A. considered B. considering

C. to consider D. consider

4. who she was, she said she was Mr.Johnson’s friend.

A. Asking B. Asked

C. To be asked D. When asking

5.He hurried to the station, the 9:30 train had already left.

A. to find B. found

C. only to find D. only finding

6.Which do you enjoy your weekends, fishing or watching TV?

A.spending B.to spend

C.being spent D.spend

7. all my letters, I had a drink and went out.

A.Finished B.Having finished

C.Finishing D.To finish

8.She had no money a birthday present for her children.

A. to buy with B. buying

C .bought D. with which to buy

9.From the dates on the gold coin, it is conformed that it was made five hundred years ago.

A. marking B. marked

C. to be marked D. having been marked

10. time and labour, cartoonists (漫畫家)generally draw the hands of their characters with only 3 fingers

and a thumb.

A. To save B. Saved

C. Saving D. Having saved

11.O’Neal(奧尼爾)works hard.He is often seen heavily before his teammates start.

A.sweated B.to be sweated

C.sweating D.being sweated

12.I can hardly imagine Peter across the Atlantic Ocean in 15 days.

A.sail B.to sail C.sailing D.to have sailed

13.Such the case, I couldn’t help but


A.being;support B.is;to support

C.has been;supporting D.be;supported

14.Does the way you thought of the water clean make any sense?

A.making B.to make

C.how to make D.having made

15.In order not to be disturbed, I spent three hours in my study.

A.locking B.locked

C.to lock D.being locked

高中英語 非謂語動詞 過關檢測題一(附答案詳解)

16.You will find the word “psychology” under “P” in your dictionary.

A.have listed B.list

C.listed D.listing

17.Sandy could do nothing but to his mother that he was wrong.

A.admitting B.admits

C.admit D.to admit

18.When I caught him cheating me, I stopped things in his shop.

A.buying B.buy C.to buy D.bought

19.A doctor can expect at any hour of the day or night.

A.calling B.to call 

C.being called D.to be called

20.Nearly every great building in Beijing was built south.

A.to face B.facing  

C.to have faced D.being facing

21.With his son , the old man felt unhappy.

A.to be disappointed B.disappointing 

C.being disappointed D.to disappoint

22.It was computer games that cost the boy a lot of time that he ought to have spent on his lessons.

A.to have played B.playing  

C.played D.having played

23.And there, almost in the big chair, sat her little brother, who never had to be told to keep quiet.

A.having lost B.losing C.to be lost D.lost

24.As I will be away for at least a year, I’d appreciate from you now and then me how everyone is getting along.

A.hearing;tell B.to hear;tell  

C.hearing;telling D.to hear;to tell

25.The students are forbidden, unless they have special passes, after 11 pm.

A.to stay out B.from staying out  

C.staying out D.not to stay out

高中英語 非謂語動詞 過關檢測題一(附答案詳解)

高中英語 非謂語動詞 過關檢測題一 答案詳解:

  • 1. D。本題考查獨立主格結構,因為前後主語不一致,所以前面分詞的邏輯主語不可以省略。It being Sunday相當於As it is Sunday。
  • 2.B。獨立主格結構在句中作伴隨狀語, teeth 與set兩個詞之間含有邏輯上的被動關係,所以用過去分詞;look這一動作是eyes所發出,所以用looking。
  • 3.A。獨立主格結構在句中作狀語,因為things與consider之間含有被動關係,所以用過去分詞。
  • 4.B。分詞短語作狀語,因為ask與句子的主語(she)之間有被動關係,所以用過去分詞。
  • 5.C。本題考查“(only)+不定式”與“-ing形式”作結果狀語的區別。“only+不定式”表示該結果在主語的預料之外;接“-ing”形式表示由主句所產生的邏輯上的結果。
  • 6.B。本題考查不定式作目的狀語,本題極易誤選A。其實 enjoy的賓語為fishing or watching TV。
  • 7.B。因finish這一動作發生在I had a drink and went out之前,所以必須用現在分詞的完成式。
  • 8.D。介詞+關係代詞+不定式的結構可以在句中用作定語,其作用相當於一個定語從句。9.B。本題考查非謂語動詞作定語。不定式作定語時,表示將來的動作;現在分詞作定語,表示主動、進行;過去分詞作定語,表示被動、完成。因為dates是被標在gold coin上,所以用過去分詞表示被動。
  • 10.A。不定式作目的狀語。 11.C。分詞在句中作主語補足語。因sweat這一動作是he所發出,所以為主動。
  • 12.C。Peter為邏輯主語,與sailing構成複合結構,作imagine的賓語。
  • 13.A。can’t help but為固定短語, but後面接不帶to的不定式;Such being the case為獨立主格結構,the case為邏輯主語。 14.B。 15.B。lock與其邏輯主語應含有動賓關係,即 “被鎖在書房裡”。
  • 16.C。單詞psychology被列在 “P”之下,有被動關係。
  • 17.C。but表示 “除了”,為介詞,當其前面有動詞do的各種形式時,but後接不帶to的不定式。18.A。當stop後面接不定式時,表示“停下來去做某事”;如果接-ing形式,則表示“停止正在做的事”。
  • 19.D。expect後面接不定式。由題意可知,doctor與call之間是被動關係。
  • 20.B。現在分詞在句中表示狀態。 21.B。with複合結構在句中作狀語,表示原因,意為“由於兒子很是令人失望。”
  • 22.B。本題為強調句型,被強調的部分是句子的主語,所以採用-ing形式。
  • 23.D。be lost in是固定短語,意為“陷入……之中”。變為分詞短語作狀語時,仍用過去分詞lost。
  • 24.C。appreciate後直接接-ing形式作賓語。
  • 25.A。本題考查forbid 的用法。當forbid用作被動形式時,構成be forbidden to do結構。

