

It is sad to see the world today divided when we should be united facing pandemic such as Coronavirus. Instead of looking at the virus exactly what it is, a kind of virus. the majority of the world has reared its ugly head of being a racist. Instead of being sympathetic, the world has decided to prosecute one singular race and turn their backs on our own human kind based on skin color.


It has been shown time and time again in history that viruses could have emerged from just any country at any time. According to WHO, often than not, the start of virus begins with infected animals. This was followed by few cases where animals infected people and progress through the stage where the virus begins to spread directly between people who end with a pandemic when the new virus has spread worldwide. HIV originates from Africa and so has Ebola Virus.H1N1 Virus or Swine Flu or influenza A Virus was first observed in Mexico in 2009 and spread globally within a month. While Middle East Respiratory Syndrome first emerged in Saudi Arabia, Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Virus or SARS was first discovered in Italy in 2003 and has not been eradicated until today. The Zika Fever Virus first originated from Brazil with over 1.5 million cases across various countries.

歷史屢次證明,任何一個國家在任何時間都有可能被病毒襲擊。根據世界衛生組織研究,病毒往往都是從動物開始傳染。起初動物身上的病毒傳染給人,再經歷幾個階段後,開始由人直接傳染給人,最後肆虐全球。我們已知的幾種病毒都是這樣。HIV 艾滋病毒和埃博拉病毒最早從非洲開始。2009年,H1N1禽流感、豬流感、甲型流感病毒都是在墨西哥最早檢測出來的,僅僅在一個月內傳染者遍及全球。第一例中東呼吸綜合症出現在沙特,急性嚴重呼吸道綜合症病毒和非典都是2003年在意大利被發現的,一直到目前為止都沒有完全被消滅。第一例寨卡病毒在巴西被發現,之後有150萬人在世界各地被感染。

And yet we did not hear how Africans are humiliated because of HIV Virus. Mexican was never shamed because of H1N1 and the Italians or Europeans were never discriminated against because of SARS. Zika Virus was also never labelled as Brazilians or Latino Virus. Neither has syphilis been labelled an European disease.


While every country is trying its best to protect its citizens and to contain the spread of any virus, the world should try to understand that China has demonstrated great courage in doing all it can to contain the virus from spreading to other countries. Clamping down all travels from the infected cities while their very own citizens live in terror is never an easy thing to do for any country. The Chinese government has shown great commitment in building a hospital within days.


For the level of commitment the Chinese Government has shown, and the nightmare China is living with today, let us all lend them our moral support from across the oceans. Please do not follow the others and labelled the virus as Chinese because virus knows no place and race.



Deputy Chief Minister 總執行部長

Minister for infrastructure and Port Development Sarawak


4 February 2020



