




高考英語寫作常考話題:21 熱點話題


1.absorb v.吸收;吸引……的注意

2.activity n.活動;活躍

3.admirer n.欽佩者;仰慕者

4.afford v.負擔得起;給予;提供

5.attitude n.態度;看法

6.ban v.&n.禁止,取締;禁令

7.budget n.預算

8.career n.事業;職業

9.cash n.現金

10.celebrity n.名人

11.circulate v.傳播

12.combine v.(使)結合;(使)組合

13.conclude v.推斷出,斷定;結束,終止

14.consultant n.諮詢者;顧問

15.consumption n.消費;消耗

16.cough v.&n.咳嗽

17.countryside n.農村,鄉下

18.defend v.防守,捍衛

19.discourage v.使氣餒;阻礙

20.earning n.收入

21.economically adv.在經濟上;節儉地

22.essential adj.必要的;基本的

23.evolution n.進化;演變


25.financial adj.財政的;金融的


27.fit adj.合適的;健康的

28.harmful adj.有害的

29.harmonious adj.和諧的;和睦的

30.hesitate vi.猶豫,躊躇

31.improve v.改善;提高

32.instructor n.教員,指導老師

33.irresponsible adj.不負責任的;不可靠的

34.majority n.多數

35.manufacturer n.製造商

36.massive adj.大量的;巨大的

37.mental adj.心理的;精神的

38.moral adj.道德的;精神上的

39.negative adj.消極的;否定的

40.observe vt.觀察;注意到;遵守

41.phenomenon n.現象

42.product n.產品

43.professional adj.職業的;專業的

44.prohibit v.阻止;禁止

45.purchase v.&n.購買;購買的東西

46.psychological adj.心理的;心理學的

47.relax v.放鬆;休息

48.remain v.保持;依然;留下;剩餘

49.rural adj.農村的,鄉下的


51.savings n.存款

52.security n.安全

53.sneeze vi.打噴嚏

54.spoilt adj.寵壞的;損壞的

55.spokesman n.發言人;代言人

56.strength n.力氣;長處

57.urgent adj.緊急的;急迫的

58.version n.版本;譯文

59.volunteer n.志願者

60.warmhearted adj.熱忱的,熱心腸的

61.weaken v.變弱

62.weakness n.弱點;軟弱





1.adapt to適應於……

2.avoid contacts with避免與……接觸

3.be aware of意識到

4.be bound to必然;必定

5.be classified as...被歸類為……

6.be devoted to專心於,獻身於

7.be ignorant of對……不知道,不瞭解

8.be isolated from與……隔離

9.broaden one’s horizon拓寬視野

10.credit card信用卡

11.develop a fever發燒

12.driving forces驅動力,推動力

13.draw up起草,擬定

14.face mask面罩

15.famous scenic spots勝地

16.far away遙遠的

17.food poisoning食物中毒

18.food security食品安全

19.go up上升;增長;升起

20.heavy pressure高壓

21.in favor of有利於;支持,贊同

22.in possession of 擁有,佔有

23.in the long run長遠;終究

24.hot button敏感問題

25.lack of沒有,缺乏

26.lose sight of忽略;看不見


28.moonlight clan月光族

29.online education網絡教育

30.operate on對……動手術;對……起作用

31.oppose to反對

32.parttime job兼職工作

33.pull down摧毀;推翻

34.run into trouble陷入困境之中

35.release the pressure釋放壓力

36.result in導致

37.search for搜尋,搜索

38.strong point特長,長處

39.studying abroad出國留學

40.surf the Internet網上衝浪

41.take...for instance拿……來說,例如……

42.the general public公眾,群眾

43.underdeveloped region不發達地區

44.weak point弱點,缺點


1. 保護生存環境 protect living environment

2. 保護環境protect/preserve the environment

3. 保護生態環境 preserve/protect the ecological environment

4. 提高人們的環保意識raise people’s awareness of environment protection

5. 愛護樹木花草care for trees and plants

6.騎自行車上班 ride bicycles to work

7.課本/垃圾回收利用recycle textbooks/trash

8.乘坐公共交通take public transport

9.正確處理垃圾 deal with rubbish properly

10.節約能源/水 save energy/water

11.不隨地扔垃圾/吐痰 don’t litter/spit everywhere

12.分類垃圾 sort the garbage

13.禁止濫用塑料袋ban abusing plastic bags

14.禁止在公共場合吸菸ban smoking in public places

15.減少汙染 reduce pollution

16.控制人口增長 control the population growth

17.降低青少年犯罪lower the rate of teenage crime

18.智能手機 smart phone

19.深化改革deepen reform

20.把 ……考慮進去 take sth into consideration

21.科學發展觀the Scientific Outlook on Development

22.走中國特色社會主義道路follow the path of socialism with Chinese Characteristics

23.無法忽視這一事實we cannot ignore the fact that

24.不可否認there is no denying the fact that

25.毫無疑問there is no doubt that; undoubtedly




It is OK to leave an electrical appliance on so long as you are using it—if not turn it off!


2.as long as引導條件狀語從句

As long as biomass is produced continuously—with only as much as is used—the “battery” lasts forever.


3.even if引導讓步狀語從句

Even if we start reducing the amount of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases,the climate is going to keep on warming for decades or centuries.



Many of the traffic accidents caused by drunkdriving have brought about traffic jams,injuries and even death.



(1)The Internet is playing a more and more important part in our daily life.


(2)On the one hand, it’s risky to make friends and shop online.


(3)On the other hand, being lost in the Internet may affect our study and work.


(4)A survey shows that 52% of students are lost in the Internet.


(5)In my opinion, the Internet does bring us a lot of benefits.


(6)It remains a question how we can solve the problems concerning making friends on line.


(7)The problems that Internet has brought to us do exist, but we have to be rational.


(8)Every coin has two sides, so does the Internet.


(9)As for the government, it should take strong measures to punish those who cheat people on line.



1. There is no doubt that sleeplessness is a serious problem among the high school students of our country. 毫無疑問,失眠是我國中學生的一個嚴重問題。

2. Talking of energy saving and greenhouse reductions, it happens that I have read a report on this topic in a newspaper. = Talking of energy saving and greenhouse reductions, I happen to have read a report on this topic in a newspaper. 談到節能減排,我碰巧在一份報紙上看到有關這一話題的報道。

3. When it comes to the young studying further abroad, many parents hold the view that children can have more chances to receive better education.當談到青少年出國留學的問題,許多家長認為孩子們可以有更多的機會接受到良好的教育。

4. For these reasons, I think that receiving college education in China is wise.基於這些理由, 我認為在中國接受大學教育是明智的。

5. By using computers, people can talk face to face even if they are in different parts of the world. 網絡給我們提供了即時身在世界不同角落也能面對面交流的機會。


學校為了提高我們的環保意識,開展了一次“低碳生活,從我做起” Low carbon life, starts from me 的活動。活動呼籲我們認真考慮低碳生活的有用措施。我們討論出:

1. 不隨地亂扔垃圾、吐痰;並正確處理垃圾,做好垃圾分類。

2. 節約資源,包括水,電,糧食等。

3. 不濫用塑料袋,改用可重複使用的環保袋。

4. 出行多乘坐公共交通;騎自行車也是不錯的選擇,既可以保護生存環境,又可以鍛鍊身體。

Recently, in order to raise our awareness of environmental protection, our school carried out an activity whose theme is

“Low carbon life, starts from me”. The activity calls on us to take the useful measures into consideration seriously. After discussion, we think that we should not litter and spit everywhere and in terms of dealing with rubbish, we can sort it. In our daily life, we should also save resources, including water, electricity and food, and furthermore, when going shopping, we should use reusable recycle bag instead of plastic bags. If we want to go out, we can take public transport, and of course, riding bicycles is a good choice because it can not only protect living environment but build up our body strength.

