02.19 《忠犬八公》經典臺詞——眼淚不自覺的流下來



No1、Never forget the people you love。


No2、I have said that the soul is not more than the body.And I said that the body is no more than the soul.And nothing,not God is greater than one, than one itself is.

我曾說過 軀體與靈魂交融。難以分出孰輕孰重,世上任何事物,即使是上帝 也當眾生平等。

No3、In the faces of men and women I see God,and in my own face in the glass.

在人們的臉上 我看到了上帝的身影,當我看向鏡中的自己 亦是如此。


No4、It's your dogs,but you are it's all.


No5、They taught me the meaning of loyalty that you should never forget anyone that you loved.


No6、I just think you being all over tough about it. Dogs in the fix and dad just try to do the right thing.



No7、The distance between life and death, for a dog, it cannot fathom, it only believe, his master will come back. It's life as a water passage, one point one year after year in bluestone station. As a dog, it has its principles, never abandon, regardless of sickness and death. It was lying there, ten years, and a landscape. For life or for death, however separated, to our wives we pledged our word.

生與死的距離,對於一條狗來說,它無法參透,它只相信,他的主人會回來。 它的生命如一注流水,一點一點在車站的青石臺上年復一年地流逝。作為一隻狗,它有它的原則,不離不棄,不論生老病死。它臥在那裡,十年,透徹成一種風景。死生契闊,與子成說。


No8、So… even if Columbus got lost, and wasn't the first discovered America,he is still my hero.

所以… 即使哥倫布迷路了 並非第一個發現美洲,他仍然是我心目中的英雄。

No9、Station is sketchily Hachi's home now,Every day he comes in time in place,Every day.



No10、I find letters from God dropped in the street,and everyone has signed by God's mean,And I leave them where they are,For I know that wherever I go,others will punctually come,Forever and ever.

我拾到了上帝遺落凡間的信箋,上面列著上帝為眾人安排的命運,我任一切順其自然,因為我知道 無論我去往何方,總有人接替我而來,生生不息。

