06.05 BBC最新推荐:6月最佳观影指南,娱乐学习两不误!





边境杀手2:边境战士(Sicario: Day of the Soldado)


Sicario, the 2015 thriller that once and for all proved Denis Villeneuve’s mastery of every genre, was taut, flinty storytelling abounding with low-key chills. Sadly, however, Villeneuve is not returning for the sequel, which instead has gone to Italian TV director Stefano Sollima, best known for Sky Italia’s small-screen adaptation of Gomorra.




超人总动员2(Sicario: Day of the Soldado)

皮克斯最受人喜爱的电影之一,超人家族时隔14年强势回归!这次站在聚光灯下的是弹力女超人海伦(霍利·亨特 配音),超能先生巴鲍勃(格雷格·T·尼尔森 配音)则在家照料巴小倩和巴小飞,过起了“正常人”的居家生活。当剧中新反派开始酝酿一个狡诈危险的阴谋,超人家族必须联合酷冰侠(塞缪尔·杰克逊 配音)的力量团结对外——然而即使各自都有超能力,真正做起来却是知易行难。

The Incredibles is one of Pixar’s most beloved films – which, considering that nearly every one of their animations is beloved is really saying something – and certainly the one that always seemed most ripe for a sequel. Superheroes are still looked upon unfavourably in the world of The Incredibles 2, but Elasti-girl is recruited to be the face of masked vigilantism by a PR consultant (Bob Odenkirk) looking to make people with superpowers more palatable to the public. Her husband, Mr Incredible, becomes a stay-at-home dad and all manner of domestic comedy high jinks ensue. Expect more of the pop-art graphics from director Brad Bird that made the first one such a satisfying feast for the retinas.


【Incredibles】 n.超人特工队


侏罗纪世界2(Jurassic World: The Fallen Kingdom)


Chris Pratt and Bryce Dallas Howard are back, this time teaming up to rescue some dinosaurs from what was formerly the Jurassic World theme park from an imminent volcano eruption. But a bigger threat awaits them when they get back to civilisation: greedy forces want to capture, weaponise and sell the dinosaurs, presumably to turn them into a military force. Which, yes, means that like The Lost World: Jurassic Park before it, giant lizards will run amok in ordinary cities and neighbourhoods: one particularly creepy image from the trailer shows a dinosaur’s claw reaching toward a sleeping child in their bedroom.


【Dinosaurs】n.恐龙( dinosaur的名词复数 )


瞒天过海:美人计(Ocean's 8)

女神们压轴登场!桑德拉·布洛克饰演的黛比·奥逊(Debbie Ocean)是《十一罗汉》集团头目乔治·克鲁尼角色的妹妹,曾因盗窃入狱服刑。而黛比刚一出狱就策划惊天大案,与凯特·布兰切特饰演的好友一起网罗顶尖高手,准备在一年一度的时尚盛会Met Gala(纽约大都会艺术博物馆慈善舞会)上盗取由安妮·海瑟薇饰演的大明星所佩戴,价值一亿五千万美金的卡地亚钻石项链。Met Gala是全球瞩目的时尚焦点盛事,明星红毯更将顶级巨星“一网打尽”,被誉“时尚界奥斯卡”,安保之严可想而知,“女罗汉”们将以怎样脑洞大开的手段瞒天过海?

Anne Hathaway plays a celebutante planning to wear $150m (£113m) in jewels to the Met Gala. She might as well wear a target on her back, as all the hype around her gaudy ensemble inspires a crew of female thieves led by Debbie Ocean (Sandra Bullock), who’s the sister of Danny Ocean (played by George Clooney in Steven Soderbergh’s previous Ocean’s films), to relieve her of them. Ocean assembles a crack team of Cate Blanchett, Mindy Kaling, Rihanna, Awkwafina, and Sarah Paulson to pull off the heist, which, given its setting will feature many fashion world cameos including Anna Wintour and Alexander Wang.


【Jewels】n. 宝石,宝石饰物

【Thieves】n. 小偷,盗贼






