03.04 英语小说阅读0304《达芬奇密码》第四章07 附单词注释

Mounted high on the walls, the visible security cameras sent a clear message to visitors: We see you. Do not touch anything.

"Any of them real?" Langdon asked, motioning to the cameras.

Fache shook his head. "Of course not."

Langdon was not surprised. Video surveillance in museums this size was cost-prohibitive and ineffective. With acres of galleries to watch over, the Louvre would require several hundred technicians simply to monitor the feeds. Most large museums now used "containment security." Forget keeping thieves out. Keep them in. Containment was activated after hours, and if an intruder removed a piece of artwork, compartmentalized exits would seal around that gallery, and the thief would find himself behind bars even before the police arrived.

The sound of voices echoed down the marble corridor up ahead. The noise seemed to be coming from a large recessed alcove that lay ahead on the right. A bright light spilled out into the hallway.

"Office of the curator," the captain said.

As he and Fache drew nearer the alcove, Langdon peered down a short hallway, into Saunière's luxurious study—warm wood, Old Master paintings, and an enormous antique desk on which stood a two-foot-tall model of a knight in full armor. A handful of police agents bustled about the room, talking on phones and taking notes. One of them was seated at Saunière's desk, typing into a laptop. Apparently, the curator's private office had become DCPJ's makeshift command post for the evening.

cost-prohibitive 成本高昂的(prohibitive有费用过高的意思)

containment 控制

intruder 入侵者

recessed 嵌壁式的

alcove 壁龛

study 书房

makeshift 临时的

英语小说阅读0304《达芬奇密码》第四章07 附单词注释



法希摇头说:"当然没有。" 兰登一点也不觉得奇怪。在这么大的美术馆实施录像监视,成本太高,很难做到,而且效果也不好。要监视这数公顷的画廊,单负责信息传输的技术人员,整个卢浮宫就得要好几百人。大多数大型的博物馆现在都使用一种叫"封闭保护"的防范措施。别想着不让贼进来,要让他们出不去。封闭装置在闭馆后启动。如果侵入者拿走一件艺术品,自动封闭的出口就会将画廊封死,即便在警察没赶来之前,贼就已被挡在栅栏里面出不去了。




