
克里夫蘭-凱文·洛夫(Kevin Love)知道他應該更好地應對自己最近的挫敗感。


洛夫說:“我的行為不像31歲,我的行為不像13歲。” “那不是我。”



另外,在那場比賽之前,Love與總經理Koby Altman進行了口頭交流,因為他因因12月31日對陣猛龍隊的冷漠而被罰款而感到生氣。Love說情況在媒體上被誇大了,他和Altman在週日對陣明尼蘇達州的比賽之前發表了講話,條件很好。

洛夫在早上開槍後說道:``我去了那裡,並與科比進行了交談。''當騎士準備主辦底特律時,洛夫說道。 “到場上,科比和我很棒,當我進來的時候就給了他[拳頭]磅。沒有爭執,沒有尖叫的比賽。你可以問他-就是那樣。”

騎士教練約翰·貝琳(John Beilein)也對洛夫(Love)講話,並且喜歡他從他的最老牌球員那裡聽到的消息。

貝琳說:“這是一個漫長的季節,您將遇到挫折感真正出現的那些時期。” “事後你必須說出來,我想他知道所有這些都有時機,時機必須要更好。”


勒布朗·詹姆斯(LeBron James)在2017賽季後以自由球員身份離開後不久,騎士隊與洛夫簽下了一份為期四年,價值1.2億美元的合同。他們希望他成為球隊重建的核心,但是事情並沒有按照計劃進行,因為球隊已經更換了教練並調動了一些老將。


“不,”他在被問到是否希望自己沒有簽署交易時說。 “在那兒。每個人都想畫一個我不想在這裡的敘述,只是因為在那裡就簽了字。不,我一直想在這裡。我不知道接下來的幾週會怎樣即將舉行,這是一個令人沮喪的情況,我知道這是一支正在重建並希望年輕的團隊。



他說:“我認為你必須看到它的各個方面,而且我必須退後幾年,並做到這一點。” “當事情變得很糟時,當事情不在您想要的地方時,要完整地看待事情是非常困難的。我認為這超越了籃球場,專業運動和任何生活領域。我認為我們都可以更好。”




“這就是為什麼我不像籃球運動員凱文·洛夫(Kevin Love)那樣與你們說話,是因為人類,因為它不是學士學位,我只是想證明自己是真實的。我知道我會變得更好,而且不能在這裡繼續下去,特別是當您有年輕人想要幫助時,我告訴我會幫助。


CLEVELAND -- Kevin Love knows he should have better handled his recent frustrations.

Admittedly, he was childish.

"I wasn't acting like a 31-year-old -- I was acting like a 13-year-old," Love said. "That was not me."

The Cavaliers' star forward spoke openly and in depth Tuesday for the first time since an outburst on the bench in Toronto last week and for showing up his teammates and coaches during a loss to Oklahoma City on Saturday.

Love threw his arms up in disgust several times on the floor, fired a hard pass in anger and had his back turned on defense as one of the Thunder's players streaked past him for a basket.

Also, before that game, Love got into a verbal exchange with general manager Koby Altman because he was angry at being fined for losing his cool against the Raptors on Dec. 31. Love said the situation was overblown in the media and that he and Altman spoke before Sunday's game against Minnesota and are on good terms.

"I went in there and talked to Koby about it in conversation," Love said following the morning shootaround as the Cavs prepared to host Detroit. "Came to the arena, Koby and I were great, gave him a [fist] pound right when I came in. There was no altercation, there was no screaming match. You can ask him -- that's what it was."

Cavaliers coach John Beilein also spoke to Love and liked what he heard from his most veteran player.

"It's a long season and you're going to have those times where the frustrations come up really on both sides," Beilein said. "You have to talk it out afterwards and I think he knows there's timing for all that, and the timing has got to be better."

Love has been the subject of trade rumors almost since the moment he arrived in Cleveland five years ago, and it's likely the young and rebuilding Cavs will deal him before the Feb. 6 deadline to add future assets.

Not long after LeBron James left as a free agent following the 2017 season, the Cavs signed Love to a four-year, $120 million contract. They wanted him to be the centerpiece of their rebuild, but things haven't gone exactly as planned, as the team has made a coaching change and moved several veteran players.

Love could be next. But he has no regrets about staying with Cleveland.

"No," he said when asked if he wished he hadn't signed the deal. "It's there. Everybody wants to paint a narrative that I didn't want to be here and just signed it because it was there. No, I've always wanted to be here. I don't know what the next few weeks are going to hold and this has been a frustrating situation, and I know this is a team that's rebuilding and wants to go young.

"I've accepted that. Let the chips fall where they may."

Love has been open in the past about his struggles with anxiety and depression. He has become a national advocate for mental wellness. The stress of the past two seasons have taken a toll, but he said he's learning to cope when faced with challenges.

"I think you have to see all sides of it, and I've had to take a step back the last number of years and do that as well," he said. "Seeing things in their entirety when things are bad, when things are kind of not at a place where you want them to be, is super hard. I think that transcends the basketball court, professional sports, any walk of life. I think we can all be better."

Love acknowledged his failings over the past weeks and vowed to learn from them. He has had a hard time coping with the reality that he's not going to win another NBA title with Cleveland, but that can't affect the ways he acts toward teammates, coaches, fans and media members.

He's a work in progress.

"I've been at ease," he said. "People ask me, 'Hey, are you OK?' and 'What's going on?' I'm like, 'I'm good.' Listen ... I showed my actions on a national level. That was childish of me, and just goes to show you, I'm an unfinished product, like anybody.

"That's why I speak to you guys not [as] Kevin Love the basketball player, as a human because it's no B.S. I just want to be authentic. I know I can get a lot better, and that can't go on here, especially when you have young guys that you are trying to help and I told that I would help.

"So, I got to be a better leader, but also a better person as somebody who has more often than not a majority of the time done the right thing, said the right thing, and shown that I can."


