How to Deal with Cloze Test

How to Deal with Cloze Test

Zhu Zhengjun Bengbu No. 2 Middle School

I.Read the first sentence and the first paragraph carefully and try to predict what the passage is mainly about:

★ “Mama, when I grow up, I’m going to be one of those!” I said this after seeing the Capital Dancing Company perform when I was three. [2012北京]

II.Read the whole passage carefully without consulting the choices. In this process, try to grasp the general idea (including the purpose of writing it), understand the organization of it and filling in as many blanks as possible. Then check your answers by referring to the choices.

★ [2009安徽]After spending a weekend away with my adult son, I was so impressed by his generous heart that I sent him this letter.

Dear son,

I want to thank you for teaching me a very __36__ lesson in life by the great example you __37__. When we were eating at that café in Bondi and a person who had __38__ his hamburger didn’t have enough money to pay for it, without any __39__, you went over and put the __40__ $2 into his hand. (purpose of writing the letter, the event and the place of it)

III.Fill in the blanks by making full use of the context.

Obvious Clues:

★ It was the first time that my ____ took on a vivid form and acted as something important to start my training. As I grew older and was (exposed) to more, my interests in the world of dance (certainly) varied but that little girl’s dream of someday becoming a (dancer) never left me. (Repetition of the words) [2012北京]

★[2012广东] It has been argued by some that gifted children should be grouped in special classes.

I observed a number of 6 children who were taken out of a special class and placed in a 7 class. (synonyms & antonyms)

6. A. intelligent B. competent C. ordinary D. independent

7. A. separate B. regular C. new D. boring

Many are concerned that gifted children become 10 and lose interest in learning. However this 11 is more often from parents and teachers than from students, and some of these 12 simply conclude that special classes should be set up for those who are 13 . (synonyms, words of different parts of speech with the same meaning and using a general word instead of a specific word or vice versa)

10. A. doubted B. bored C. worried D. tired

11. A. concern B. conclusion C. reflection D. interest

12. A. students B. adults C. scholars D. teachers

13. A. talented B. worried C. learned D. interested

Hidden Clues:

★[2012安徽] When I settled in Chicago, my new city seemed so big and unfriendly. Then I had a p_____ problem and had to go to hospital for a (thorough) examination.

 41  I’d left myself plenty of time, soon it was 42  I was going to be late, as I had mistakenly boarded a bus that was taking me in the  43  direction.

I  44  the bus and stood on the pavement not knowing what to do, I looked into the eyes of a  45  who was trying to get past me.  46  instead of moving on, she stopped to ask if I was 47 , After I explained my  48  to her, she pointed to a bus stop across the street, where a bus would take me back into the city to my  49 . (common sense & difference in culture)

41. A. Although B. Since C. Unless D. Once

42. A. strange B. necessary C. obvious D. important

43. A. same B. right C. general D. opposite

44. A. looked at B. waited for C. got off D. ran into

45. A. driver B. friend C. stranger D. gentleman

46. A. Especially B. Surprisingly C. Probably D. Normally

47. A. nervous B. excited C. OK D. dangerous

48. A. idea B. motivation C. excuse D. situation

49. A. appointment B. apartment C. direction D. station

★[2012江西] I (noticed) an old man on a bicycle with a bucket on its __41__ and a basket of rags and bottles on its back-carriage. (common sense)

41. A. back B. handle C. wheel D. seat


★[2009安徽]Something made me think of you and ___51___ you did that night at the café in Bondi.

51. A. what B. which C. whatever D. whichever

★[2012全国卷二]As I pulled the bus over to 28 a little girl, she handed me an earring 29 I should keep it 30 somebody claimed (认领) it. (common sense, the relationship of the characters & grammar)

28. A. wave at B. drop off C. call on D. look for

29. A. ordering B. promising C. saying D. showing

30. A. in case B. or else C. as if D. now that

★[2012辽宁]He shouted for help, __48___ his wife, Breda, was asleep in their bedroom at the opposite end of the house.

★[2012重庆]One by one, the flowers bloomed their heads off. (eventually), I was touched by the land of wonder.

_____, my parents showed no interest in my garden.

★[2012课标卷]Northern Europeans usually do not like having __43___ contact even with friends, and certainly not with __44___. People from Latin American countries, ___45__, touch each other quite a lot.

45. A. in other words B. on the other hand C. in a similar way D. by all means

ANSWERS (Cloze test)

[36—40 DCAAC] 6. A 7. B 10. B 11. A 12. B 13. A【physical】41. A 42. C 43. D 44. C 45. C 46. B 47. C 48. D 49. A 41. B 51. A28. B29C30. A48. but43. bodily 44. strangers 45. A. in other words B. on the other hand C. in a similar way D. by all means

