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Why are "Made in China" products cheaper than "Made in India" products, but the salaries in China are much higher than India?




原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.com 翻译:水滴的思绪 转载请注明出处

Sthitapragnya Deshpande, worked at China

You are right in that salaries in China are generally higher than in India (see analysis of salaries in China at the bottom of this answer).


A few reasons for the above are


1) Subsidies

(Do you know that made in China items are cheaper outside China - in India and in UK - than in China itself?)



2) Low cost of R&D

(In China, these costs are usually footed by the Western company that wanted to initially manufacture these products for cheap). In India, on the other hand, companies try to do their own R&D, which is very holier than thou, fair, but wastes time reinventing the wheel.



3) Excess manufacturing -

When manufacturing for a western client (for example: Apple for iphones, or Bose for headphones, Burberry for clothes), most Chinese companies overproduce to address the 5-10% rejection rate. The rejected items are often of good quality, but not to the high specifications that were required (the phone may have a tiny 0.5 mm scratch, its shade of white may be a tad lighter / the headphone jack may be 0.01 mm longer / the dress may have one loose uncut thread at the inner sleeve).

3) 生产过剩


All of this is then marketed under the Chinese manufacturers name (rationale: after all, it is he who actually made it! The western company only sent the design and specification, who knows who actually designed it... perhaps it was designed by an economically paid person / immigrant from Russia / India / Italy?). hence it is sold for half the cost (the manufacture still makes a profit).


Now multiply the above scenario with a million companies and you have a fair idea of the reason why Made in China products are cheaper than Made in India.


The few places in India where we do have this system are the leather goods shops in Dharavi, and clothes sold at Fashion street in Mumbai - however the scale in China is a million times bigger due to the way Chinese people think.


For example: Nike manufacturers much of its sports wear in Bangalore from a small company - that company''s loyalty to Nike is high. It does nto market / sell these clothes to anyone in India.


If it were thinking like a Chinese company, that same company would have marketed the rejected clothes in India, two years later it would have terminated the contract with Nike and made the same clothes under its own brand name. two years later, it would have sent its people to Europe - especially to sports meet, looked at clothes made by well established brands, modified them to suit its clientele and marketed a new line - exporting it - and improvising the designs all along.


Nike of course would have found another manufacturer meanwhile - and the cycle continues. I walk down my local markets and am always stunned by the excellent variety of clothes (Fyi clothes made in India last far longer than Chinese clothes - I still use clothes made by Madura coats, Vimal, Gwalior, and they look first hand. Chinese clothes look better, but last shorter - great for a country where giving employment to more people is far more important than making long lasting products. remember - The latter result in fewer jobs)

与此同时,耐克当然会找到另一家制造商——这样的循环还在继续。我走在当地的市场上,总是被琳琅满目的服装所震撼(顺便说一句,印度制造的服装比中国制造的耐穿得久,我一直穿Madura coats、Vimal、Gwalior等公司生产的服装,而且它们看起来都是第一手的。中国的衣服看起来更好看,但穿的时间更短——这对中国来说很好,因为在中国,让更多人就业远比生产耐穿的产品重要。记住——后一种情况会导致就业机会减少)

Revelation - As for salaries in China -


Average monthly salary of a factory worker (qualification = graduate or lesser) in Guangdong in a factory making cellphones = 4,000 - 6,000 RMB (INR 40,000-60,000).


Average monthly salary of an entry level normal software engineer (not from one of the top colleges) in Shenzen = 20,000 RMB (2 Lakh rupees)


Average monthly salary of a well qualified (IIT level) Chinese software / IT professional in Baidu and similar companies - after working for 5-10 years = 50,000-70,000 RMB (5-7 lakh rupees)


Since we are talking about tier 1 cities in China in the above, we should compare the salaries to cities like Mumbai and Bangalore. You will notice similar trends in smaller cities - for example: comparing salaries in Lucknow and Trivandrum with salaries in Hangzhou.


Rupesh Agarwal, I am a lot of things but an Engineer. That''s just to afford being everythng else

How do we estimate the cost of a product? Salary of employees is a big part of it. But, there are other factors as well. And, it is a myth that Salary in India is lower than in China. Salary in China could be way lower in many many spaces, esp. Manufacturing.


Cost of a product depends upon the cost of raw materials, employee cost, infrastructure cost, transportation and hence energy cost, cost and ease of starting a business to name a few major factors.


Even if we assume that employee cost incl. salary in India is cheaper than in China (which is not), the other costs in India are so high that it becomes totally uneconomical to compete with Made in China products in terms of quality and cost.


Raw Materials


Most of the raw materials for products that are cheaper when made in China, are readily available in China at a very good price quality index.


Transportation and Public Infrastructure


Public infrastructure in China is just super. Goods can be transported efficiently, on-time and across country at a much lower cost than in India. Indian manufacturers cannot rely on public infrastructure for reliable transportation. Most of these manufacturers have then to go to Private logistics providers or have some supply chain of their own. Imagine the cost of that?


Miscellaneous Business Cost (Starting and Running)


Cost and ease of starting a business. It is not easy in China either, but relatively easier and cost efficient. Bribery in China is too low, punishment when caught being too harsh. Bribery alone leads to a lot of un-accounted cost, ranging from customs to IT to Local police to licensing authority to getting a VAT number issued. Try starting a business and you will know what I mean. It is super crazy.


So, you can make your judgement.


Vdhay Kumar N, Consultant at Oil and Gas Industry (2017-present)

Why are "Made in China" products cheaper than "Made in India" products, but the salaries in China are much higher than India?


For costing of any product includes design, raw materials, production cost, labour cost, transportation charges finally taxes at various stages.


In countries like india we tax raw materials double/ triple/ quadraple times plus service charges. with transportation the raw materials cost triples again service tax. Best example is oil and gas which doesn''t cost beyond 1 Rupee is exaggerated to 72 rupees per liter. The number of hands we change that many times we pay service tax at 18% rate.


Man power is cheap in india as well as china and that is not a big concern as we get more automised rely on workers for quality reduces and rejections also reduce.


China is a communist country which can impose its will to do on its people and discipline them with law. The mass production system they follow is reducing their cost. Since most companies are government owned even though they don''t tax they get hugh profit to refund the government.


chinese government made many trade pacts with different countried to sell their products at lowest prices. And this the main reason for economic slowdown.


Slowing down the productivity will increase the cost of product so they dump every where around the world again and again.


Sourav Datta, trying to look at the "Bigger Picture"

Its just a simple concept of Economics called Economies of Scale.


Once you have the infrastructure ready for mass production, the quantities produced is not proportional to cost anymore. The cost increases very less per additional quantity. Hence the cheaper price in China.


