The Essential55(學生基本守則55條)

1 When responding to adults, you must answer by saying, “Yes ma’am” or “No sir.”回答大人問話,要說“是的,夫人”或者“不,先生。”

2. Make eye contact.。看著對方的眼睛(進行目光交流)。

3. If someone in the class wins a game or does something well, we will congratulate that person.如果班上有人獲勝或做得很好,我們要祝賀他。

4. During discussions, respect other students' comments, opinions, and ideas.討論時,要尊重別人的評論,意見和想法。

5. If you win or do well at something, do not brag. If you lose, do n ot show anger. 要是獲勝或做得好,不要誇耀。要是輸了,不要氣惱。

6. If you are asked a question in conversation, you should ask a que stion in return. 對話中,別人問(候)你一個問題,你也要問(候)對方一個問題。

7. When you cough or sneeze or burp, it is appropriate to turn your head away from others and cover your mouth with the full part of y our hand. 咳嗽、打噴嚏或打嗝時,合適的做法是轉過頭去用整個手捂著嘴。

8. Do not smack your lips, “tsk”, roll your eyes, or show disrespect with gestures.不要咂嘴、咋舌、翻白眼或做無禮的手勢。

9. Always say thank you when you are given something. 接受別人送的東西,要說“謝謝”。

10. When you receive something, do not insult the gift or the giver.接受東西時,不要侮辱禮物或送禮物的人。

11. Surprise others by performing random acts of kindness. 時不時做點善事,給人以驚喜。

12. When grading other students' papers, give only the correct grad e.


13. Follow along when we read together in class.全班一齊朗讀時要跟上。

14. Answer all written questions with a complete sentence.對所有的書面問題,回答時都用完整的句子。

15. Do not ask for a reward for good grades or behavior.不要因為成績好或表現好而要求獎勵。

16. You must complete your homework every day.每天都要完成家庭作業。

17. Subject transitions will be swift, quite, and orderly.上課更換課本時,要迅速、安靜、有條理。

18. Be as organized as possible.做事要儘量有條理。

19. When homework is assigned, do not moan or complain. 在老師佈置作業時,不要表現痛苦或抱怨。

20. When a substitute teacher is present, all class rules still apply.


21. Follow the specific classroom protocols.遵守具體的課堂禮儀。

22.You may bring a bottle of water to class;You may not leave for

a drink of water during class.可以把一瓶水帶入教室;上課時不能離開座位去喝水。

23. Know other teachers' names and greet them in the hall by name .要知道其他老師的名字,在過道里碰到時要向老師問好。

24. Keep yourself and the bathrooms clean and germ-free.講究衛生,保持洗手間清潔無病菌。

25. Greet visitors and make them feel welcome.向客人問好,讓他們感受到款待。

26. Do not save seats in the lunch room.在午餐室裡不要佔位。

27. Do not stare at a student who is being reprimanded. 同學受訓斥時,不要盯著看。

28.. Call your teacher if you have a question about homework, and l eave a message -- once.對作業有疑問,就給老師打電話,留言――留言時一次就行了。

29. Observe the ABC's of Etiquette.遵守基本禮儀。

30. After dining in the cafeteria or elsewhere, be responsible for you r trash.在自助餐廳或其它地方,吃完飯後,清理留下的垃圾。

31. In a hotel room, leave a tip for the hotel workers who clean you r room.在賓館裡,要留下小費給對清理你房間的賓館工作人員。

32. On a bus, always face forward.坐汽車時,要看著前方。

33. When meeting new people, shake hands and repeat their names.介紹與人認識時,要握手並稱呼對方的名字。

34. When offered food, take only your fair share. 別人把食物拿給你讓你取時,不要多取。

35. If someone drops something and you are close, pick it up. 如果有人掉了東西,而你就在跟前,就把它撿起來。

36. Hold the door for people rather than letting it close on them.為


37. If someone bumps into you, say "Excuse me", even if it was not your fault. 如果有人撞上你,要說“對不起”,即使不是你的錯。

38. On a field trip, enter a public building quietly.實地教學時,進入公共場所要保持安靜。

39. On a field trip, compliment the place you are visiting.實地教學時,到一地,讚美這個地方。

40. During an assembly, do not speak or call out to friends.集合時,不要說話,不要大聲喊叫朋友。

41. At home, answer your phone in a polite and appropriate manner.在家裡,接電話時要禮貌得體。

42. When returning from a trip, shake the hand of every chaperone.實地教學返回時,要與每位陪同老師握手告別。

43. On escalators, stand to the right, walk to the left.乘電動扶梯時,站靠右,行靠左。

44. When standing in line, keep your arms at your sides and move quietly. 站隊時,手臂放身體兩側,前進時不要出聲音。

45. Never cut in line.永遠不要插隊。

46. No talking in a movie theater during the movie.電影院裡看電影時,不要說話。

47. Do not bring Doritos into the school building.不要帶零食“多力多滋”來學校。

48. If anyone is bullying you, let a teacher know.有人欺負你,告訴老師。

49. Stand up for what you believe in. 要維護自己相信的東西。

50. Be positive and enjoy life.要積極樂觀,享受生活。

51. Live so that you will never have regrets. 要以“將來回想也無悔”的方式生活。

52. Learn from your mistakes and move on.從錯誤中學習,繼續前行。

53. No matter the circumstances, always be honest.不管環境如何,一直要誠實。

54. Carpe diem. You only live today once, so don't waste it. 抓住今天。今天只有一次,所以不要浪費它。

55. Be the best person you can be.儘自己的能力,完善自己。

