


在句子中起名詞作用的句子叫名詞從句(Noun Clauses)。名詞從句的功能相當於名詞詞組,它在複合句中能擔任主語、賓語、表語、同位語等,因此根據它在句中不同的語法功能,名詞從句又可分別稱為主語從句、賓語從句、表語從句和同位語從句。引導名詞性從句的連接詞可分為三類:

(1)從屬連接:that, whether, if(不充當從句的任何成分)

(2)連接代詞:what, whatever, who, whoever, whom, whose, which.

(3)連接副詞:when, where, how, why




1. that引導

That he is still alive is a wonder. 他還活著,真是奇蹟。

That we shall be late is certain. 我們要晚了,這是確定無疑的。

That he should have ignored the working class was natural. 他忽視工人階級是很自然的。

That she is still alive is a consolation. 她還活著是使人感到寬慰的。

That she became an artist may have been due to her father’s influence. 她成為畫家可能是受她父親的影響。

That you are coming to London is the best news I have heard this long time. 你將來倫敦是好久以來我聽到的最好消息。

That she was chosen made a tremendous stir in her village. 她被挑選上,在她村子裡引起很大轟動。

2. whether引導

Whether it will do us harm remains to be seen. 是否對我們有害還要看一看。

Whether they would support us was a problem. 他們是否會支持我們還是一個問題。

3. 連接代詞引導

Whoever is top from wins the game when two matched players meet. 兩強相爭勇者勝。

Whichever (of you) comes in first will receive a prize. 無論(你們)誰先到都可以得獎。

Whichever you want is yours. 你要哪個,哪個就是你的。

4. 連接副詞引導

When we arrive doesn’t matter. 什麼時候到沒有關係。

How this happended is not clear to anyone. 這件事怎樣發生的,誰也不清楚。

How many people we are to invite is still a question. 邀請多少人還是一個問題。

5. 關係代詞型what引導

What I want to know is this. 我想知道的就是這一點。

What’s done is done. 事已成定局。

What he says is not important. 他說的話並不重要。

What I am telling you is mere impressions. 我和你說的都不過是一些印象而已。

What you need is a good-sized canvas bag. 你需要的是一個比較大的帆布袋。



(1) 對於以連詞that引導的主語從句,通常用形式主語代主語從句:

It’s a pity that he didn’t come. 很遺憾他沒來。

It is important that he should know about this. 他必須知道此事。

It’s vital that we be present. 我們出席是至關重要的。

It was intended that you be the candidate. 大家的意圖是讓你當候選人。

It is appropriate that this tax be abolished. 廢除這個稅是恰當的。

It’s unfair that so many people should lose their jobs. 竟有這麼多人失業這是不公平的。

It’s amazing that she should have said nothing about it. 她竟未談及此事令人驚訝。

It’s unthinkable that they should deny my request. 他們竟然拒絕我的請求,這是不可思議的。

That they should refuse to sign the petition required great courage. 他們拒絕在請願書上簽字這是需要很大勇氣的。

(2) 對於以連接代詞(副詞)引導的主語從句,可以使用形式主語代主語從句,也可直接在句首使用主語從句:

Whether they would support us was a problem. 他們是否會支持我們還是一個問題。

It was a problem whether they would support us. 他們是否會支持我們還是一個問題。

It remains to be seen whether it will do us harm or good. 它對我們是利是害,還得看看再說。

(3) 對關係代詞型what引導的主語從句,通常直接將主語從句放在句首。如:

What we need is money. 我們需要的是錢。

What I want to know is this. 我想知道的就是這一點。


Is it true that he is the girl’s father? 他是那女孩的父親,是真的嗎?

How is it that you are late again? 你怎麼又遲到了?


引導主語從句的連詞that 有時可省,有時不能省,其原則是:


如:That you didn’t go to the talk was a pity. 很遺憾你沒去聽報告。(that不可省)

It was a pity (that) you didn’t go to the talk. 很遺憾你沒去聽報告。(that可省)

8. 另外注意在主語從句中用來表示必須、理應如此、建議、要求等語氣時,謂語動詞要用虛擬語氣“(should) +do”


It is necessary (important, natural, strange, etc.) that …

It is suggested (requested, proposed, desired, etc.) that…






連詞:that (that 常可省略),whether, if

代詞:who, whose, what ,which

副詞:when ,where, how, why 等。


He told me (that he would) go to the college the next year 他告訴我他明年上大學。

I don’t know if there will be a bus any more. 我不知道是否還會有公交車。

Nobody knew whether he could pass the exam. 沒有人知道他是否會通過考試。



★可跟that引導的從句做賓語的動詞有:say, think, insist, wish, hope, demand, imagine, wonder, know, suppose, see, believe, agree, admit, deny, expect, explain, order, command, feel, dream, suggest, hear, mean, notice, prefer, request, require, propose, declare, report等。

如:The boy believes that he will travel through space to other planets.


當主句謂語動詞是 think, believe, suppose, expect 等詞,而賓語從句的意思是否定時,常把否定轉移至主句表示。並且主句的主語是第一人稱而且為一般現在時,從句的否定詞一般要轉移到主句上來,其反義疑問句一般與賓語從句一致。

I don’t think it is right for him to treat you like that.

I don’t believe that man is killed by Jim ,is he?

I expect our English teacher will be back this weekend, won't she/he?

We suppose you have finished the project, haven't you?


We find that he never listens to the teacher carefully, does he?



Your sister supposes she needs no help, doesn't she?

You thought they could have completed the project, didn't you?

They don't believe she's an engineer, do they?

She doesn't expect that we are coming so soon, does she?



I believe(that)you have done your best and that things will get better.


Just then I noticed, for the first time, that our master was wearing his fine green coat and his black silk cap.


I can’t tell him that his mother died.


例句:She made it clear that she had nothing to do with him.


(5)當賓語從句前置時 That our team will win,I believe.

(6)當that作learn, suggest ,explain ,agree ,wonder ,prove ,mean, state ,feel ,hold等動詞的賓語時;



如:I don't know if /whether he still lives here after so many years.我不知道這麼多年後他是否還住在這兒。


①在具有選擇意義,又有or或or not時,尤其是直接與or not連用時,往往用whether(if…or not也可以使用)。

如:Let me know whether /if he will come or not.

(=Let me know whether or not he will come)讓我知道他是否能來。

I don't know whether /if he does any washing or not.

(=I don't know whether or not he does any washing.)我不知道他洗不洗衣服。

I wonder whether we stay or whether wego.我不知道我們是去還是留。


如:I'm interested in whether he likes English.我關心的是他是否喜歡英語。

We're thinking about whether we can finish the work on time.我們正在考慮是否能按時完成這項工作。


如:He hasn't decided whether to visit the old man.他尚未決定是否拜訪那位老人。

He hasn't decided whether to go by bus or by train.他還未決定是乘公共汽車去還是坐火車去。


如:Whether this is true or not,I can't say.這是否是真的我說不上來。


如:Whether she will come or not is still a question.她是否能來還是個問題。


如:Please let me know if you like the book.

可理解為:If you like the book,please let me know.你如果喜歡這本書,請告訴我。



The students will go on a picnic if it is sunny.


He asked if I didn’t come to school yesterday.

(3)引導狀語從句even if(即使)和as if(好像)時

He talks as if he has known all about it.


這樣的賓語從句實際上是由特殊疑問句變化而來的,賓語從句要用陳述句語序。用於這種結構的動詞常常是:see, say, tell, ask, answer, know, decide, show, find out, imagine, suggest, doubt, wonder, discover, understand, inform, advise等。


Who ,whom ,whose ,which ,what,在句中擔任主語、賓語、定語或者表語。連接代詞一般指疑問,但what, whatever除了指疑問外,也可以指陳述.

Do you know who has won Red Alert game?


The book will show you what the best CEOs should know.



When ,where ,why ,how,在句中擔任狀語的成分。

He didn’t tell me when we should meet again. 他沒有告訴我什麼時候我們能再見面。

Could you please tell me how you use the new panel?


None of us knows where these new parts can be bought.




I don’t know what they are looking for.

Could you tell me when the train will leave?



例句:The headmaster hopes everything goes well.


例句:She was sorry that she hadn’t finished her work on time.


例句:The teacher told his class that light travels faster than sound.

★注意:運用虛擬語氣的情況在表示“建議 suggest 、advise、propose; 要求demand 、desire、request;決定 decide; 命令 order、command、require; 堅決主張 insist”等動詞後跟賓語從句,用(should)+v.(虛擬語氣)

如:I suggested that you(should)study hard.

He ordered that we should go out at once.

虛擬語氣用在賓語從句中:動詞 wish, suggest ,order ,insist , propose,等詞後面的賓語從句表示的是一種虛擬語氣,賓語從句中的動詞動作表示的只是一種願望、要求。

如:I wish she would be on my side. 我希望她能站在我一邊。

I wish I could help him. 我希望我能幫助他。

He insisted that all of us should be there on time by any means. 他堅持要我們大家想盡辦法按時去那兒。

動詞 demand, suggest, order, insist, propose 後面的從句中,"should" 可以省略。

如:The teacher suggested that we (should) clean the blackboard after class. 老師建議我們課後把黑板擦了。

He ordered that the students wash the clothes every week by themselves. 他要求學生每週都要自己洗衣服。



(1)當主句謂語動詞是hope, decide, wish, choose, agree, promise等,且賓語從句的主語與主句主語一致時,賓語從句可簡化為不定式結構。例如:

Li Ming hopes he will be back very soon.

→Li Ming hopes to be back very soon.

We decided that we would help him.

→We decided to help him.

(2)當主句謂語動詞是know, learn, remember, forget, tell等動詞,且主句主語與從句主語一致時,賓語從句可簡化為“疑問詞+不定式”結構。


She has forgotten how she can open the window.

→She has forgotten how to open the window.

★注:當主句謂語動詞是tell, ask, show, teach等動詞,且後帶雙賓語,從句主語和間接賓語一致時,賓語從句可簡化為“疑問詞+不定式”結構。例如:

Could you tell me how I can get to the station?

→Could you tell me how to get to the station?


The headmaster ordered that we should start at once.

→The headmaster ordered us to start at once.


He insisted that he should go with us.

→He insisted on going with us.

The poor boy doesn’t know when and where he was born.

→The poor boy doesn’t know the time and the place of his birth.


Liu Ping found that there was a wallet lying on the ground.

→ Liu Ping found a wallet lying on the ground.


It seemed that the boys were going to win.

→The boys seemed to win.



I found that it was difficult to learn English well.

→I found it difficult to learn English well.

Soon we found that the ground was covered with thick snow.

→Soon we found the ground covered with thick snow.

They found that the box was very heavy.

→They found the box very heavy.




表語從句:在複合句中作表語的從句, 就叫做表語從句。表語從句一般放在系動詞之後,結構是“主語+系動詞+表語從句”。

★連繫動詞:be動詞、表示持續的系動詞(keep, remain, stay)、感官動詞feel(摸起來,感覺) , smell(聞起來) , sound(聽起來) , taste(嚐起來,吃起來) 等、表示變化的系動詞(become, grow, turn, fall, get, go,)、表終止的系動詞prove, turn out(結果是,證明是)、seem, appear(看起來……)


He has become what he wanted to be ten years ago.


His suggestion is that we should stay calm.




that / whether /as if /as though/as/because

(1) that引導表語從句本身沒有詞義,在句中只起連接作用,不充當句子成分,一般不能省略。

That fact is that more than seventy percent of the earth’s surface is covered by water.


What I want to do is (that) I can go up to him and thank him. 我想做的事是走到身邊去感謝他。

(2) whether引導表語從句表示“是否”,但不充當句子的成分。

The question is whether we can finish our work by tomorrow evening.

if 與whether均意為“是否”,但引導表語從句時,只能用whether, 不能用if。

(3)as if/though“好像”,引導表語從句時要注意語態。

如果句中的情況與事實不相符,從句多用虛擬語氣。如果從句表示與現在事實相反,謂語動詞用一般過去式;如果從句表示與過去事實相反時,謂語動詞要用“had + 過去分詞 ”,如果從句表示將來的可能性不大,用would (might ,could )+動詞原形。

Li Lei is now in a new jacket. He looks as if he were an American boy. (現在事實相反)

The girl is giving us a vivid description of the moon. It seems as if she had been to the moon many times. (與過去事實相反)

It looks as if it might rain. (與將來事實相反)

但是,如果as if/though引導的表語從句所表示的與事實相符,從句則用陳述語氣。

The clouds are gathering. It looks as if is going to rain.

(4) as引導表語從句

He looked just as he had looked ten years before.


(5) because引導表語從句

常用結構:This/That/It is/was because...

That is because I don’t like Chinese.



Tom is no longer what he used to be. (what做表語)

The problem is who is fit for this job. (who做主語)

This is what I want to tell you. (what做賓語)

The problem is whose work is the best. (whose做定語)



The question is how he did it. 問題是他是如何做此事的。

The question is where we can live.問題是我們能住在哪兒。



The reason is that he got up late.

Why he is late is that he got up late.

(2)that is why/because

①That is why ...是常用句型,其中why引導的從句在句中作表語,該句型通常用於針對前面已經說過的原因進行總結。That is the reason why ...與That is why ...是同義的,“這就是……的原因/因此……”,但是從語法結構上講That is the reason why ...中的why引導的是一個定語從句。

That is why she failed to pass the exam.

那就是她考試不及格的原因。(why 在表語從句中充當原因狀語)

That is the reason why she failed to pass the exam.

那就是她考試不及格的原因。(why 在定語從句中充當原因狀語)

②That is because...句型中從屬連詞because引導的名詞性從句在此作表語,這也是個常用句型,意為“這就是因為……”。

That is because I got up late. 這是因為我起床遲了。

③“That is because...”與“That is why...”之間的不同在於“That is because...”指原因或理由, “That is why...”則指由於各種原因所造成的後果。

I was angry. That was because he didn’t understand me.我生氣是因為他不理解我。(表語從句強調原因)

That’s why he got fired from that firm.那正是他被公司解僱的原因。(表語從句強調結果)

(3)The reason (why.../for...)is /was that... “...的原因是...”

The reason for his absence is that he got up late.

The reason why he is absent is that he got up late.




My suggestion is that we (should) start early tomorrow.我的建議是我們明天一早就出發。






I heard the news that our team had won.我聽到了我們隊獲勝的消息。


I’ve come from Mr. Wang with a message that he won’t be able to see you this afternoon.


②在某些名詞表“建議,命令,要求等”(如demand, wish, suggestion, resolution等)後面的同位語從句要用虛擬語氣 (即should+動詞原形;should可省)。

There was a suggestion that Brown should be dropped from the team.



Where did you get the idea that I could not come?你在哪兒聽說我不能來?


英語中引導同位語從句的詞通有that,whether,連接代詞what,who,連接副詞how, when, where等。(注:if, which 不能引導同位語從句。)


The idea that you can do this work well without thinking is quite wrong.




The question whether we should call in a specialist was answered by the family doctor.


He must answer the question whether he agrees to it or not.




what, who, whom, whose引導同位語從句

I have no idea what size shoes she wears.我不知道她穿幾號的鞋。(what作定語)

The question who will take his place is still not clear.(who作主語)


when, where, how, why 引導同位語從句

We haven’t yet settled the question where we are going to spend our summer vacation.


l have no idea when he will be back.我不知道他什麼時候回來。

My question how I shall get in touch with him has not been answered.



The thought came to him that maybe the enemy had fled the city.


Several years later,word came that Napoleon himself was coming to inspect them. 幾年以後,有消息傳來說拿破崙要親自視察他們。





We are glad at the news that he will come. 聽到他要來這個消息我們很高興。

We are glad at the news that he told us. 聽到他告訴我們的這個消息我們很高興。


