· On arrival, you will be issued with an amenity pack containing a toothbrush and toothpaste, soap, shampoo, deodorant and comb, razors and shaving stick/sachet will be available from the unit office on request and sanitary products for females will be available at Tinsley House


· A hairdresser/Barber is available. For further information and attendance times see notice boards or ask a member of staff.

· 中心為男士與女士配有理髮員。詳細情況請看通知牌子或者向工作人員詢問。

· The cleaning team maintain the Centre regularly, but for your own and other residents benefit, please help to keep up the standard of cleanliness throughout the Centres, to an acceptable, healthy and safe level.

· 清潔隊定期維持中心的清潔衛生。但是為了您本人和其他住在本中心的人士的利益,請您幫助維持整個中心的清潔,使其維持在可接受的、有利於健康的、安全的水平。


· Please keep your room clean and tidy. An Officer will regularly check your room and will advise you if the required standard is not maintained. Cleaning materials can be provided by staff on request. Failure to comply, may lead to a reduction of your status in the Incentive Scheme.

· 請您保持個人房間的乾淨整潔。警官會定期檢查您的房間,如果您沒有維持要求的標準,警官會提出警告。如果你提出要求,工作人員會向您提供清潔用的物品。如若您不遵守規定,您在獎勵計劃中的地位會降低。

· You must not stick or fix any pictures, posters, calendars etc. anywhere except on the notice board in your room.

· 您不得在您房間內通知板之外的其他任何地方張貼任何圖片、海報、日曆,等等。

· In Tinsley House, you will be asked to vacate your room for a period of time, to allow cleaners to carry out their work. However, if you arrived late after a long journey or are unwell, you may be allowed to remain in your bed with medical consent. Times will be displayed on general notice boards.

· 在Tinsley拘留所我們會要求你離開您的房間一段時間,以便讓清潔員打掃您的房間。但是,如果您經過長途旅行後很晚才來到我們中心,或者您身體不適,在醫生同意的情況下,我們會允許您呆在床上休息。具體時間在總通知板上有公示。


· Large quantities of newspapers, magazines, etc will not be allowed to accumulate in your room and will be removed if deemed a health and safety hazard.

· 您不得在房間內堆積大量的報紙、雜誌等。如果我們認為這些報紙、雜誌已經構成了健康、安全危害,我們將對其做出清除。

· The Centre supplies bedding and towels. Bed linen is normally changed once a week, or whenever there is a change of occupancy. However, in some cases, arrangements can be made to change bed linen when required, i.e. if soiled. Please see a member of staff, if this is necessary.

· 本中心提供床上用品和毛巾。床單用品一般一週換一次,或者每次改變房間時換一次。然而,在有些情況下,比如在床上用品弄髒時,在本人的要求下我們會做出安排為您換這些用品。如果有此必要,您可以去找工作人員。

· You are required to make your own bed.


