quora: 中国文化和西方文化有什么主要差异

What are the major differences between Chinese and Western cultures?



Jamie Cawley, LIved in China 2012-2018, now Hong Kong

They are very much different flavours of the same basic dish. Take Chinese cooking and Western cooking and you have the prime example of culture in its overall similarity and detailed variation. Chinese steam buns, Westerners bake them, Westerners use Cheese, Chinese use soy sauce, westerners put pork, herbs and spices in a sausage,Chinese put them in a xiaolongbao. Westerners find Chinese food delicious and sometimes a bit odd, Chinese feel exactly the same way about western food.

The culture of the west is much more religiously based then that of China and there are still many strong believers in religions and ideologies in the west, for reasons I, as a westerner myself, cannot quite understand, compared to the gentle cynicism that predominates in China (sometimes called Confucianism).

Contemporary Chinese culture (apart from cooking) is largely taken from the west but that is simply a timing factor - China was economically behind for two hundred years and the first and easiest thing in catching up was to copy existing solutions which were available form the west. Now I am seeing the small start of a Chinese modern culture developing (not just Red and Dragons. China has 40,000 KFCs but the west has yet to get Miantiao widely - but it will!




Oh Kimyee

Many have touched upon family values and education. I'll touch on a slightly different topic: Social grace.

In Western cultures, showing social grace typically involves giving people personal space, providing compliments (when applicable), and being encouraging during rough times. In short, positivity is viewed as an extremely important trait when being courteous with others.



In Chinese culture, people value openness even at the expense of feelings as this demonstrates you care. For instance, a Chinese person may comment on how much weight you've gained (with no prompting) and suggest you eat more veggies and cut down on the sugar. To a Westerner, this appears rude as body weight is a sensitive topic. To Chinese folks, this is a normal conversation as someone is merely showing concern in an open manner.

That said, there are certain topics that the Chinese only compliment others on while wrapping their own situation in layers of disguise. The most common topic would be education; Chinese parents absolutely love praising how well other children are performing in school or extracurriculars but will never say that their own child does well (regardless of whether it's true). It ultimately transpires into a humble brag competition.



Gabriella Crystal Hendricks, studied at Northwest University

I'm sorry for taking so long to answer this question. I thought a lot about this question. And I don't want to answe a question Bc I have to, I want to answer a question Bc I have my own experience and opinion about it.

About money: Chinese people love to share their financial situation with people. And sometimes people will ask you how much money you make every month. Not Bc they care, Bc they want to compare and to see who make more money.

For westerners, it's not polite to ask people's financials. Bc it's none of others business.




来源:三泰虎 http://www.santaihu.com/46110.html 译者:Joyceliu

About spending money: Chinese likes saving money instead of spending. For example, we decorate our house for living, not for feelings. We don't buy extra useless stuff to make our home look beautiful. We buy stuff to use, not for looking. As long as it's still working, we don't get a new one to replace it.

For westerners: people like to make their home cozy and beautiful, sometimes they buy candles and decorations to put it on the table to make it look better.

About who pay the bill: for Chinese people, the elder,the male,the staff instead of the boss, the one who asked people out.







About dating: for Chinese boys, if a boy likes a girl, he would get her number and talk to her, maybe flirt with her and ask her out sometimes without telling the girl that he likes her, if he "felt"the same way, then he will tell her that he likes her and asks her to be his gf. Then if everything goes well, after they became bf and gf,they will go on dates. But sometimes, girls just don't get it. For example, one of my friend gave me medicine when I had a cold. I was grateful about that, but I didn't have a second thought. Bc I thought he was being nice as a friend. He had never said anything or did anything to convey the idea that he likes me. We didn't talk that much, I didn't know him that well, he didn't know me well either. One night, he told me that he liked a girl and he didn't know if he should let her know, I was like sure, why not, the chance is fifty-fifty. So later that night, he sent me a message like he wants me to be his gf. I was totally shocked. So I told him that I was busy at doing my homework and I'll talk to him later. He probably thought I was going to turn him down,so after couple days,I told him that I don't him that much, I can't be his gf. And he texted me back said: I was kidding! So I said that I was kidding too. He was trying to save his dignity. But the truth is I don't even know who he is. But for him, it's about I look down on him Bc he's not good Enough. That's not true. It's just Bc I don't know him well Enough. I don't like his personality either.


For westerners: ask a girl out that makes a date and both of them know it. They gets to know each other through the dates.then they establish a relationship. If it doesn't work out, no hard feelings.


Louis Cohen, retired programmer; little or no tolerance for BS

One big aspect is attitudes toward groups vs individuals. Western culture, especially in the USA, stresses individual responsibility and achievement. You work for yourself, not your extended family much less your state or city or even country.


Stephen Pogson


Most prominent is that the West has a morality & culture based upon Christianity; whereas China’s is influenced by Taoism & Confucianism.

Whilst Chinese culture has generally been a smooth evolution over about 4,000 years, the West has moved forward in fits and spurts (often due to religious changes and wars). We had the Greeks, the Romans, the Normans, then the Dark Ages until the Renaissance & then the Enlightenment.

Most notably, China is one country & has been since the first Emperor from Qin. The West is a mass of changing countries; for example Yugoslavia existed until the 1980s but is now Croatia, Serbia, Montenegro, Bosnia. Germany only came into existence (& Belgium) in the latter 19th Century.





Patrick Edwin Moran, lived in Taiwan 7 yrs, studied Chinese & philosophy since 1960, && hist. culture

I don’t even know enough to characterize Western culture. Chinese culture is even longer in extent, and it has lots of things that I’ve vaguely heard about but haven’t seen for myself.

The freshman course in Western Civilization took an entire year. A similar course abut Chinese culture would take a second year. Even then it woiuld be difficult to synthesize that much information.



Chinese culture aims at a society characterized by organic unity working for the benefit of all individuals in the world. Western culture thinks that is stupid, probably impossible, and tends to think of all problems in terms of “me,” then “my family and friends,”…, then several levels on down there is some vague idea that “we’re all in this together.” Nevertheless, we go hell-bent for global disaster because “me and my friends” want to have a high-energy lifestyle and make money, so to hell with our great grandchildren.


Lee Thé, native Californian; BA Sociology UCLA; backgrounds in advertising, school teaching, but mostly computer mag...


There's a fascinating book about this: The Geography of Thought: How Asians and Westerners Think Differently...and why, by Richard Nisbett. Politics & Social Sciences. It's based on a bunch of cross-cultural psych experiments, designed and conducted by a team of Asian and Western researchers.



Here's one of the test diagrams:

They found that 80% of Chinese gave one answer, while a similar proportion of Westerners gave the other.

The author speculated that a lot of the differences they found stemmed from the kind of culture needed to farm rice vs. the one needed to farm wheat.


quora: 中国文化和西方文化有什么主要差异



Read the book if you want to see more of that team's findings about the two cultures. It did not say one was better than the other--just very different, and often leading members of one culture to see members of the other as behaving improperly or even immorally.


Sikandar Azam Khan Alizai, studied at Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery Degrees

The following are the differences between china and the west, in my opinion

There is still more familial bond in chinese in comparison with the west.

Approach to the world dominance

People of china dont have huge ego issues

Respect for elders is more

Chinese still dont occupy or attack countries

There is still a difference of gender in china

The level of frustration is low which is why in chinese chulture mass murdering is not common









Spiritualism is still a part of chinese culture

And vice versa for the western culure.

In summary, culturally china in my opinion stands way taller than the western culture. In the west people want to feel themselves to be answerable to no one, thr reason of cultural downfall i consider; where in china people are yet to reach those limits.




Simon Wang, lived in Taipei (1991-1999)

Here are 8 illustrations which juxtaposes the cultures of the West (blue) and East (red). These are generalizations, of course, so these illustrations aren’t true of all Chinese people or Westerners.



1) Dealing with problems.


quora: 中国文化和西方文化有什么主要差异

2) The individual.


quora: 中国文化和西方文化有什么主要差异

3) Transportation.


quora: 中国文化和西方文化有什么主要差异

4) Expressing an opinion.


quora: 中国文化和西方文化有什么主要差异

5) Sunshine.


quora: 中国文化和西方文化有什么主要差异

6) Society and senior citizens.


quora: 中国文化和西方文化有什么主要差异

7) Networking.


quora: 中国文化和西方文化有什么主要差异

8) Streets on Sundays.


quora: 中国文化和西方文化有什么主要差异

My own background, in case you’re interested. I was born in Taipei and lived there for 8 years. Then I immigrated to California and have lived here ever since. I’m in my mid-20s.


Nic Ngu, Malaysian Chinese

Chinese emphasize on self-depreciation and humility. Chinese parents and educators try not to give too much positive comments on their kids so that they won't fail due to overconfidence. We believe that kids should understand that they still have a long way to go in terms of study or anything else. The downside is that kids often develop lower self-esteem.

Western culture is the other way round. Parents and educators in many western countries rarely give negative comments about a child. Western parents and teachers will always try to say something nice about a kid. Western kids often grow up to be confident which is usually a good thing, but too much confidence can be bad as well.



Isaiah Pablo

There’s lots of differences. Some are as follows.

Harmony - In ancient Chinese culture, harmony with the universe is emphasized. There’s an order of things that you ought to follow in order to be successful. That’s why China often preserved it’s natural resources because it realized how important it was for it’s survival. Western culture is about imposing your will. You make things happen. You have to work hard and achieve the impossible regardless of what happens. That’s why you often see nature being destroyed in western societies.

Individuality vs. Hierarchy - Chinese culture has a collectivist society. Conforming to a group is very important. They do what’s best for the family and it affects their careers, dating lives, list goes on. If a boss disrespects a Chinese person, he/she is expected to take the insult. Preserving harmony and knowing your place in society is more important than yourself. This isn’t the case in Western culture. The person is more important than a group. You have your own values, choices, opinions, etc.

Success - In Western culture, success is defined by the outside world. Your self worth depends on your achievements and successes. In Chinese society, success is found inside of yourself. You find yourself by eliminating the “false” self and being self-aware. Virtue is highly valued.





Brian Robert Smith, former Certified General Accountant

This is a short answer relating to the source of the differences, and is just a personal opinion.

Most western philosophy/religion is based on the concept of perfectionism. There are gods, and people are poor images of the gods. If we eliminate all the “faults” we will be perfect. This leads to a binary style of thinking, where everything is right or wrong, and we must eliminate all the “wrongs”. “The road to heaven is straight and narrow”.

Eastern philosophy uses the yin/yang concept, where there is “good and bad, light and darkness, male and female, sun and moon”, built into everything. Every good thing has its faults, and every bad thing has some benefits. In the yin/yang world, “every straight line passes from light into darkness.”




These philosophies have impacts on the way we form our belief systems, our religions, and our ways of life. In the west, one can only belong to one religion, while in the east, it is possible to believe in many different religions at the same time.


Robert Stephen Campbell, Lived in Asia ten years.

I am sure that somewhere, sometime, I must have read a cleverly worded statement explaining that people start life believing that what they see and hear around them is normal. Too many people go through life believing that THAT “normal” is proper, the only correct way for things to be. Some learn to appreciate ideas from other places and even to look down on their own society. Only a few learn to objectively judge the good, the bad, and the merely different found in different cultures. I hope that I have reached that third level, but I have no guarantees.

I am not knowledgeable enough about Chinese culture or about Western culture in general to do a valid comparison. My perceptions are too mixed. My wife and her sister, born in Japan and raised in Japan, Europe, and the US, are definately Third Culture Kids. “Formally defined, TCKs are people who have spent a portion of their formative childhood years (0-18) in a culture different than their parents’.” They insist that I, too, am a TCK. TCK-ness is one of the things we have in common.



China has the good, the admirable, and the not so good. Please excuse my not pointing fingers.

The West has some good, and some not so good. We [society] constantly argue about which is which.

At this late stage of my life, I am not in a position to judge or choose between East and West.

Thank you for the A2A, sorry that I could not be of more help.





Steven Williams, former English Teacher at Shane English Schools

There isn't such a thing as ‘Western Culture’. I wouldn't really call Chinese culture a thing either.


Let me explain why.

The West, as you put it, is made up of numerous different countries that speak many languages, have many customs and ways of life that often conflict with one another.

China also has this. A ginormous country that has 57 recognised ethnic groups is going to have a lot of cultural diversity. Going into a Uyghur household in Xinjiang is going to be a totally different experience from entering a Han household in Beijing or a Mongal household in Inner Mongolia.




Charles Bender

The Chinese culture is the same of 4000 years ago, the “Western culture” is a chameleon changes color every century or less than this.

The “Western culture” was born in the Eastern Mediterranean, but people who today are callled “western” had a totally different culture at this time. So the first change happened in the 5 century in the Period of Barbarian Invasion, when the Germanic tribes appropriated the Mediterranean culture. After this happened several changes in their culture, but I believe that one of the biggest ones is when they copied the own Chinese culture giving origin to several changes including the enlightenment.

Then this question is very vague, you need to better specify what "Western culture" you mean.





