虹夕諾雅 京都 隱身於京都千年古城,盡顯貴族氣派的桃花源


Kyoto’s famed craftmanship and celebrated history pervade every inch of this fully restored century-old property. From the woodblock-print designs in guestrooms to the refined Kaiseki meals, landscaped grounds and timeless setting in Arashiyama, a former playground of court nobles.

▼虹夕諾雅 京都(夏),HOSHINOYA Kyoto in summer ©Atsushi Nakamichi

虹夕諾雅 京都 隱身於京都千年古城,盡顯貴族氣派的桃花源

▼虹夕諾雅 京都(秋),HOSHINOYA Kyoto in autumn ©Atsushi Nakamichi

虹夕諾雅 京都 隱身於京都千年古城,盡顯貴族氣派的桃花源


A River of Profound Tranquility


You embark on the boat that will take you to HOSHINOYA Kyoto. It begins to slowly drift along a river that once bustled with boats, which carried people as well as goods. Today, however, it is pleasantly quiet. You see a flock of kingfishers flying downstream, bringing with them a soothing breeze that cleanses your mind and body as you approach the resort. No matter the season, it is always a little cooler on the boat than it is on land. Finally, you arrive at your destination. The trip has taken just fifteen minutes–but each minute has felt momentous.

▼在漫天櫻花中逆流而上的船隻,Ships sailing upstream amid the cherry blossoms ©Atsushi Nakamichi

虹夕諾雅 京都 隱身於京都千年古城,盡顯貴族氣派的桃花源

▼酒店人員在碼頭迎接賓客,Hotel staff greeted guests at the pier ©Atsushi Nakamichi

虹夕諾雅 京都 隱身於京都千年古城,盡顯貴族氣派的桃花源

▼在漫天紅葉中逆流而上的船隻,Ships going upstream in the red leaves of the sky ©Atsushi Nakamichi

虹夕諾雅 京都 隱身於京都千年古城,盡顯貴族氣派的桃花源

▼船隻抵達酒店接泊碼頭,The ship arrived at the hotel dock ©Atsushi Nakamichi

虹夕諾雅 京都 隱身於京都千年古城,盡顯貴族氣派的桃花源


A Natural Environment Shaped by Artistry


▼坐落在河畔的虹夕諾雅京都,Located by the river ©Atsushi Nakamichi

虹夕諾雅 京都 隱身於京都千年古城,盡顯貴族氣派的桃花源

▼掩映在櫻花之中,Set in the cherry blossoms ©Atsushi Nakamichi

虹夕諾雅 京都 隱身於京都千年古城,盡顯貴族氣派的桃花源

You look around, and all you see are hills. The scenery, however, is not primeval; it has been developed by human hands, through the strategic planting of trees, as well as the reshaping of the Oi River by a 17th century tycoon. The result is a vast Japanese garden, its aesthetic pleasures treading the line between the natural and the artificial. Today, it is a protected area that is home to HOSHINOYA Kyoto–a place where the natural elements reflect Japanese aesthetics. As you arrive at the gates, paths lined with rhododendrons beckon you deeper into the premises.

▼鋪滿青苔的小徑,A mossy path ©Atsushi Nakamichi

虹夕諾雅 京都 隱身於京都千年古城,盡顯貴族氣派的桃花源

虹夕諾雅 京都 隱身於京都千年古城,盡顯貴族氣派的桃花源

▼地上零零落落的楓葉將人引向客房,The scattered maple leaves on the ground guide people to the guest room ©Atsushi Nakamichi

虹夕諾雅 京都 隱身於京都千年古城,盡顯貴族氣派的桃花源

虹夕諾雅 京都 隱身於京都千年古城,盡顯貴族氣派的桃花源


An Unbroken Sequence of Seasonal Pleasures


You wake up early one morning and decide to take a walk. The morning mist slowly dissipates, leaving behind glistening dew on the stones lining the footpaths. Dew also sparkles from the Zen garden at the far end of the premises, where an enormous 400-year-old maple tree holds court. White flowers blossom on a pearl bush beside the tree, a reminder of the green leaves the maple will soon be sporting before they turn crimson in the fall. Just as the sun travels across the sky in an uninterrupted arc, the seasons here transition from one to another in an unbroken sequence.

▼夏日的庭園,Garden in the summer ©Atsushi Nakamichi

虹夕諾雅 京都 隱身於京都千年古城,盡顯貴族氣派的桃花源

▼秋日的庭園,Garden in the autumn ©Atsushi Nakamichi

虹夕諾雅 京都 隱身於京都千年古城,盡顯貴族氣派的桃花源


The Soothing Music of Water


Serenity, you soon realize, is created not by the absence of sound, but the presence of a certain kind of sound–specifically, the sound of water. From your guest pavilion, you can hear both the gurgling of the stream flowing by the pavilion and the slightly quieter murmuring of the Oi River below. Other sounds soon drift in. From deep inside the forests across the river, you hear a doe calling its child. Evenings come alive with the singing of insects and frogs, to be replaced by birdsong in the morning. You feel as if the moss that decorates the premises is absorbing every sound, filtering them into the water so as to enhance its musical qualities.

▼環繞在庭園周圍的池塘,The pond that surrounds the garden ©Atsushi Nakamichi

虹夕諾雅 京都 隱身於京都千年古城,盡顯貴族氣派的桃花源


A Picture in Every Window


▼露天陽臺坐席,Outdoor balcony seating ©Atsushi Nakamichi

虹夕諾雅 京都 隱身於京都千年古城,盡顯貴族氣派的桃花源

虹夕諾雅 京都 隱身於京都千年古城,盡顯貴族氣派的桃花源

▼精心設計的亭臺座位可以與鳥兒昆蟲對視,The elaborate pavilion seats make eye contact with birds and insects ©Atsushi Nakamichi

虹夕諾雅 京都 隱身於京都千年古城,盡顯貴族氣派的桃花源

▼雪中的屋簷細部,The roof details with snow ©Atsushi Nakamichi

虹夕諾雅 京都 隱身於京都千年古城,盡顯貴族氣派的桃花源

The branches of ancient cherry and maple trees peek into view from the guest pavilion windows that frame the nature outside. There is a pleasing lack of calculation in the branches’ forms; not even master gardeners who plan ten years ahead can predict the whims of nature. A summer bird lands on a leafy branch of a cherry tree. Suddenly, you notice the seating in the pavilion has been designed so your gaze is level with the birds and insects that visit the trees. You decide to sit back and enjoy this constantly changing picture.

▼面向庭園的客房,Guest room facing courtyard ©Atsushi Nakamichi

虹夕諾雅 京都 隱身於京都千年古城,盡顯貴族氣派的桃花源

▼客房中的全景木框窗戶,Panoramic wood-framed Windows in guest rooms ©Atsushi Nakamichi

虹夕諾雅 京都 隱身於京都千年古城,盡顯貴族氣派的桃花源

▼臥室,Bedroom ©Atsushi Nakamichi

虹夕諾雅 京都 隱身於京都千年古城,盡顯貴族氣派的桃花源

▼從客房看向窗外,Look out the window from the guest room ©Atsushi Nakamichi

虹夕諾雅 京都 隱身於京都千年古城,盡顯貴族氣派的桃花源

▼櫻花映入窗框,The cherry blossoms are reflected in the window frame ©Atsushi Nakamichi

虹夕諾雅 京都 隱身於京都千年古城,盡顯貴族氣派的桃花源

▼梨花映入窗框,The pear flowers are reflected in the window frame ©Atsushi Nakamichi

虹夕諾雅 京都 隱身於京都千年古城,盡顯貴族氣派的桃花源

▼臥室窗外開滿楓葉,The bedroom window is covered with maple leaves ©Atsushi Nakamichi

虹夕諾雅 京都 隱身於京都千年古城,盡顯貴族氣派的桃花源


Guest Pavilions Where Time Stands Stil


Inside the guest pavilions are railings and doors of pristine wood, cleansed of every trace of grime and dirt through a traditional Kyoto woodworking technique known as arai. These objects have a timelessness that is reflected in the serene elegance of the pavilions. Here, you are lulled into a dream-like trance by the aroma of freshly laid tatami matting and the gentle flow of the Oi River, visible right outside the windows. Only the changes in the way the light glints off the gold patterns woven into the wallpaper reveal the passage of time.

▼磨礪出的欄杆和木質門,呈現出一種再現經典的質感,Inside the guest pavilions are railings and doors of pristine wood ©Atsushi Nakamichi

虹夕諾雅 京都 隱身於京都千年古城,盡顯貴族氣派的桃花源

▼新鋪設的榻榻米還散發著木質清香,The newly laid tatami also exudes a woody fragrance ©Atsushi Nakamichi

虹夕諾雅 京都 隱身於京都千年古城,盡顯貴族氣派的桃花源


Seasonal desserts and delicacies

在房間裡,酒店可以為賓客提供由歷史悠久的日式點心店Kameya Yoshinaga製作的甜品。除此之外,由酒店首席廚師精心烹飪的多道應季餐點被擺放在特色便當盒內,供賓客自由選擇。而侍酒師則特別為賓客挑選了多款可與食物搭配葡萄酒和清酒。

▼優雅的就餐環境,Elegant dining environment ©Atsushi Nakamichi

虹夕諾雅 京都 隱身於京都千年古城,盡顯貴族氣派的桃花源

虹夕諾雅 京都 隱身於京都千年古城,盡顯貴族氣派的桃花源

▼豐富的應季餐食,Plenty of seasonal meals ©Atsushi Nakamichi

虹夕諾雅 京都 隱身於京都千年古城,盡顯貴族氣派的桃花源

▼精緻菜餚,Exquisite dishes ©Atsushi Nakamichi

虹夕諾雅 京都 隱身於京都千年古城,盡顯貴族氣派的桃花源

虹夕諾雅 京都 隱身於京都千年古城,盡顯貴族氣派的桃花源

▼可口甜品,Delicious dessert ©Atsushi Nakamichi

虹夕諾雅 京都 隱身於京都千年古城,盡顯貴族氣派的桃花源

虹夕諾雅 京都 隱身於京都千年古城,盡顯貴族氣派的桃花源

HOSHINOYA Kyoto original sweets will be available in your room. These garden scenery-inspired sweets are made by Kameya Yoshinaga, a long-established Japanese confectionery shop open since 1803. You can also leisurely enjoy seasonal Japanese food without being disturbed by other guests. We offer a multi-course meal prepared by the head chef of HOSHINOYA Kyoto presented in an elegantly lacquered Shokado bento box. In addition, we offer wine or sake selected by the sommelier to pair with the food.

▼KURA酒吧,BAR-KURA ©Atsushi Nakamichi

虹夕諾雅 京都 隱身於京都千年古城,盡顯貴族氣派的桃花源

▼正在製作料理的廚師,A chef preparing a dish ©Atsushi Nakamichi

虹夕諾雅 京都 隱身於京都千年古城,盡顯貴族氣派的桃花源

虹夕諾雅 京都 隱身於京都千年古城,盡顯貴族氣派的桃花源

