人教版八年级下unit5 Section A 3a教学设计

今天要分享的是人教版八年级下unit5 What were you doing when the storm came? Section A 3a的板书。

人教版八年级下unit5 Section A 3a教学设计


1. 打开书之前,询问学生How many natural disasters do you know?学生可以说出来earthquake, storm, flood,之后根据图片补充了drought, sleet等自然灾害词汇。

2. 打开书之后,学生可以看到学的是“A Storm Brought People Closer Together”以及一座暴风雨过后房屋的照片。

人教版八年级下unit5 Section A 3a教学设计


What do you know about storm? (before, during, after)

What can we know from the title and the picture?

What do you want to know from the reading?


3. 正式阅读之前,让学生对文章段落大意进行连线,对文章框架有整体认识。

人教版八年级下unit5 Section A 3a教学设计


How can you finish it as quickly as possible?

What is the key word/phrase in the main idea?

What key word/phrase can you find in each paragraph to help you?

4. 接下来到了具体的段落阅读时间,以下是引导学生思考的问题:

P1: Where did it happen?

Where is that place?

What was the weather like before the rain storm?

How did the family know the rain storm was coming?

If you were them, how would you feel?

p2: What was everyone busy doing?

Why were they doing these?

If you were them, what would you do to prepare for the storm?

p3: How serious was the storm?

How do you know?

p4: How messy was the neighborhood?

What did they do after the storm?


5. 最后回到题目,“A Storm Brought People Closer Together”,询问学生以下问题:

How did the storm bring people closer together?

How did NCP(新型冠状病毒)bring Chinese people together?

What other things can bring people closer together?

What can we do to help each other in times of difficulty?



人教版八年级下unit5 Section A 3a教学设计

