


作為國家走出去的名片,很多人可能還認識不到中國高鐵的優越之處。德國製造業是舉世聞名,今天咱們就來看看《經濟學人》怎麼分析德國鐵路的,文章名稱《The travails of Germany’s rail passengers》——《德國鐵路乘客的痛苦》。篇幅所限,刪去了部分不重要語句。



Last year one-quarter of Deutsche Bahn’s long-distance services were late. Commuters are resigned to delays, missed connections and overcrowded carriages.



He commutes from Tianjin to Beijing by high-speed train everyday.


You have to resign yourself to the boss unless you resign.


missed connection:這裡的connection指的是轉車、轉機等,missed connection指的是錯過轉車時間點。

在看一看這串詞:delays, missed connections and overcrowded carriages,活脫脫描述《人在囧途》的劇情。所以,咱們生在|偉|大|的|社|會|主|義|新|中|國|,是幸運的。


Having been hauled over the coals by ministers, Deutsche Bahn (DB), Europe’s largest train operator, has presented a five-point plan to improve its performance, including more money and a hiring spree. But progress will be slow, at best. Germany’s low-investment culture has left its infrastructure dilapidated and outdated. The rail network has not kept pace with the long-term population shift to cities or the increase in freight traffic from ports. … But the estimated €4bn ($4.5bn) that the sale of Arriva, a British transport firm, would raise is a fraction of the investment needed. Passenger numbers have doubled since 1994, when DB was formed. The government wants them to do so again by 2030.


five-point plan:可以翻譯為五步走計劃、五點提升計劃。

spree:在一段時間內過分的做同一件事。比如瘋狂購物 → shopping spree;玩命跑步running spree。文中hiring spree就是指大力招聘一批人馬。

haul over the coals:這是一個固定搭配,意思是嚴厲斥責某人;也可以這樣表達:rake/ haul/drag sb over the coals。


dilapidated:破舊的;年久失修的;= run-down。dilapidated building/house →危房。


keep pace with:保持與…一致。新聞聯播常說對外國先進技術“引進、消化、吸收、創新”,技術水平實現了從“跟跑”、“並跑”到“領跑”的轉變。keep pace with字面上理解就是並跑的意思。

shift:(使)改變、轉換、轉向,各種“轉…”。shift gear → 換擋。

shift做名詞用的時候,還可以表示輪班,比如night shift → 夜班。輪班的時候,就是換班,改變了一隊人馬,所以輪班這個意思也是從“轉換”這個意思引申而來。


These days, ruthless competition comes from high-quality smartphones made by Chinese firms such as Huawei or Xiaomi which sell for a fraction of the price of Apple’s products, and which run some version of Android, an operating system developed by Google.



… Lower taxes and fees on other forms of transport have tilted the field against rail. Just 7% of Germans make a long-distance trip once a month; one-third never use public transport at all.


tilt:(使)傾斜,偏向。後邊接towards sth.或者in favour of sth.。

Some urge a sense of proportion. In 2017 a survey by BCG, a consultancy, placed Germany’s rail service in the first of three European tiers. Train travel remains affordable, regional services are efficient, and this year passengers should be mollified by new rolling stock and renovated stations. Still, even DB’s management admits punctuality will barely improve in the years ahead.


tier:文中表示等級、層級。一線城市 → first-tier cities。


2018年12月15日經濟學人週刊文章《Arrested development》分析華為業務發展,有一句話:

For Huawei, British scrutiny has come to serve as a badge of trustworthiness that helps it mollify concerns elsewhere.


rolling stock:整車。

in the years ahead:未來的幾年,= the following years。




