You'll respect yourself 尊重你自己

To be on time,you' ll respect yourself.

You only live one life. Your choices matter. Your decisions matter. Your goals, dreams, and aspirations matter.

You'll respect yourself 尊重你自己

The only real question that remains is: are you fully respecting your own time with the respect that it deserves? This may come as a shock, but your time is important. It should also be treated with respect.

Why is your time important? Your time is important because it is your time. It is your well-organized schedule and calendar entries. Remember, no one else is going to look out for your best interests.

No one understands what values, causes, and issues are most important to you. And that is why it is so very important for you to show yourself some respect when it comes to your own time.

This includes carving out personal time for yourself, taking your allotted vacation time, participating in causes you care about, and spending time with family and friends.

Respecting your own time may seem a bit silly at first, but it is most certainly worth the effort. It is all about self-confidence and knowing your worth.

Once you learn how to respect yourself, your time, and your needs, you'll have more energy to interact with others. What's more, your impact on society with be that much more effective because you've appropriately taken the time to respect yourself and your time first.

What steps can you take to show yourself that your time does matter? Literally put yourself first in your calendar: schedule personal time on weekdays and weekends as needed.

Go to sleep at a reasonable hour each night. Politely decline invitations to events and activities that do not support your goals, wants, or needs.

Set boundaries for personal and professional time. And make sure you show up on time to appointments you've made with yourself.

And if you're really looking to make a change in your life when it comes to tardiness, make a point to arrive on time to your appointments for no one other than yourself. You can think of this as you being on time for yourself and your dreams, accomplishments, and goals.

The benefits are truly great: you'll get a boost of self-confidence on a daily basis, you'll have less worries when it comes to your calendar, you may save yourself money, you'll make a good impression on others, and yes, you'll be closer to reaching your goals.

Yes, you may not have all the time in the world, but you might as well make the most out of the time you do have available to you.
















