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Dear friends, nice to meet you!Now it is time for “health talk for three minutes every day”,My name is Luo Shanshan, a doctor of Anyang Daojian Hospital.Today, I'd like to tell you how to measure blood pressure correctly at home.

The correct posture of blood pressure measurement is very important, accurate blood pressure measurement is not a simple thing,and many details may make blood pressure measurement inaccurate.At home, how to measure blood pressure accurately?

Electronic sphygmomanometer is highly recommended for measuring blood pressure at home.Electronic sphygmomanometer is preferred because it has an electronic pressure sensor, which can reduce human errors. Certified upper arm cuff sphygmomanometers should be used,which are accurate and reliable. The cuff size should be correct. The length of cuff airbag should reach 75% - 100% of the upper arm circumference,and the cuff airbag width should reach 37-50% of the upper arm circumference.It is better to extend 1-2 fingers between the cuff and the arm.

The posture of blood pressure measurement should be correct. Sit for at least 5 minutes before the test, and empty the bladder before the measurement.Do not exercise, drink coffee or smoke 30 minutes before the test. When measuring blood pressure, the cuff should be in direct contact with the upper arm.When lying on the back, the arm needs to be properly padded.In sitting position, the arm should be placed on the tableto keep the measurement position and heart position at the same level,and the body should be relaxed.If you cross your legs during the measurement,it may lead to high systolic and diastolic blood pressure, so keep your feet flat when measuring blood pressure.

Time to measure blood pressure.The following time periods are more suitable for blood pressure measurement.

1、 Within 1 hour of getting up, between taking antihypertensive drugs and eating breakfast.

2. Before going to bed at night. It's best to record the measurement time and blood pressure data every day.

In addition, the elderly should pay attention to the hypertension emergency that can not be handled at home. For example, under the influence of mental trauma, emotional change, excessive fatigue, cold stimulation, climate change and endocrine imbalance, the blood pressure suddenly rises to 180-200 / 120mmhg, acute damage of heart, brain, kidney and large blood vessels appears at the same time,and patients feel sudden headache, dizziness, blurred vision, nausea, vomiting, etc.,it is necessary to enter the hospital for professional emergency rescue.Blood pressure should be controlled to a reasonable range in a short time,and it is not allowed to handle it at home, so as to avoid delay of the disease.

If you find that your blood pressure is elevated at home and there is no obvious discomfort, you can immediately find a place to lie down, supine or semi reclining position,and have a quiet rest in a quiet place with soft light and good ventilation.and have a quiet rest in a quiet place with soft light and good ventilation.At the same time, blood pressure should be monitored every 5-10 minutes.Generally, it needs to measure 2-3 times, and record the average value will be more accurate.Observe whether the blood pressure can drop naturally.If it still can't, ask a doctor who is familiar with your situationto adjust the antihypertensive plan under the guidance of the doctor.

Finally, I wish you all a happy life and good health!To learn more about cardiovascular disease, please pay attention to us. See you next time.

