
作者 尚怀云

33 阿育王寺拜舍利







Bowing to the relics at King Ashoka Temple

After his pilgrimage to P’u T’o Mountain, the Master returned to Ning Po,where he passed through King Ashoka Temple. He arranged for provisions at a cost of three yuan per month. Making obeisance to the relics and the two Pitikas (Mahayana and Hinayana), he sought to repay the toilsome labor and kindness of his parents. The sharira enshrined by King Ashoka are reputed to be those of the True Body of Shakyamuni Buddha, and therefore many people come to make vows and bow before the relics. The Master went on to T’ien T’ung Monastery, and after hearing an exposition of the Analytical Commentary on the Shurangama Sutra, continued on his way.

The verse says:

Within the Real Body’s sharira, the Tathagata is abiding.

They remain in the world and are conferred upon people who plant blessings.

If one does not plough one’s own fields, how can one reap a harvest?

Irrigate well, nourish and enrich, and do not steal time for leisure.

34 守戒律不欺暗室







34 Upholding the moral precepts, he was not misled in the dark room

After paying his respects to the relics, the Master took a boat to Hangchou and visited the various sacred areas of San T’ien Chu Mountain. He bowed to Dharma Masters T’ien Lang (Bright Sky) and Ch’ang Sung (Tall Pine). the Master then boarded a boat. It being summer, the small boat was so crowded that all those aboard had to sleep in common quarters. Adjacent to the Master was a young woman. Late at night when he was sleeping soundly, he felt someone touching his body. Waking with a start, he saw the naked girl and immediately sat upright in the full-lotus position and recited mantras.Beware!

The verse says:

Travelling on the very same boat, the Master met Matangi’s daughter.

Unexpected was his Vajra-strength and so deep his karma in the Way,

That he sat upright in the Lotus posture, his mind like motionless water;

Whatever the transformation, it could not do anything to him.


