
尚怀云 生活禅时代 今天

2018年第 48 期 | 总第 66 期 | 824日出版

播音 | 林会峰(中文) 耀勇(英文)




63 减轻负荷倍速







Doubling his pace once his load is lightened

Although the Master was still somewhat ill, he started bowing again on the nineteenth. Since Wen Chi took both the jobs of cooking and carrying the bags, the Master’s extraneous thoughts had ceased; he was able to dwell in the True. His sickness left him and body gradually became stronger. Day after day he bowed from sunrise to sunset, covering about fifteen miles per day. Although he was unaware of it, he was not plagued with fatigue. In the third month he arrived at Li Hsiang (Leaving Marks) Monastery in T’ai Ku (Great Valley). The Four Marks were suddenly empty.

The verse says:

When the mind stops and thoughts cease then one is truly honored.

Completely ending selfish desires is the real field of blessings.

If views of “self” and “others” are gone, then there is actual equality,

To put an end to toil and suffering is a true king of vows.

64 离相分手真离相







Saying good-bye at Li Hsiang: he truly leaves appearances behind

The Master entered Li Hsiang Monastery to see the Guest Prefect,who looked at Wen Chi and said, “Who is that?” The Master told him, and the Guest Prefect replied harshly, “You don’t have any sense at all! You don’t have any sense of appropriate timing. The middle of a famine is not a good time to go on a pilgrimage! And with a man to wait on you, yet! What sort of important official do you think you are anyway? Laymen absolutely cannot stay here.” Wen Chi said to the Master. “I am leaving. hut someone will soon come to take your bags up the mountain for you.” He then departed.

The verse says:

“You don’t have any sense at all. Making a pilgrimage in a famine, indeed!”

“Here you’ll find that laymen cannot lodge at Buddhist Monasteries.”

So Wen Chi simply walked away from “Leaving Appearances” Temple.

“Soon there will be someone coming to take your bags up ahead.”