
尚怀云 生活禅时代 今天

2018年第50期 | 总第 68 期 | 831日出版

播音 | 林会峰(中文) 耀勇(英文)




65 寻文吉月下拜香







Bowing along in the moonlight, he searches for Wen Chi

After Wen Chi departed, the Guest prefect’s manner changed. “please come in.” he said, and showed the Master to a k’ang (heated brick high bed). He then prepared some tea and noodles. His attitude was completely different; he was polite and attentive. But the Master was thinking only about Wen Chi and immediately took formal leave of the monastery. Going to all the inns in town, he searched for the beggar. but there was no trace of him anywhere. It being the eighteenth of the fourth month, the moon was bright, so that evening was almost like daylight. The Master took advantage of the moonlight to continue bowing briskly along, in an attempt to overtake Wen Chi. This accelerated pace caused him to develop a fever.

The verse says:

The one who was at first arrogant and then respectful polished his nature.

Although invited to stay, he felt the affinities to be too sparse.

The only thought the Master had was to catch his companion Wen Chi.

So bowing along on that moonlit night, he became quite agitated.

66 拒绝与欢迎者







First being rejected and then being received

The master had by now developed an incessant nose-bleed. He reached Pai Yun (White Clouds) Monastery in Huan Tu T’an on the twentieth. When the Guest Prefect saw the Master’s bloody mouth, he did not allow him to stay there. On the twenty-first, the Master entered the city of Ta Yuan (Great Source) and went to Chi Le (Ultimate Bliss) Monastery, where he received considerable verbal abuse. He did not stay there. On the twenty-second, he left the city and continued bowing. He then encountered a young Sangha member named Wen Hsien, who warmly received the Master with sincerity and deference. The Master stayed ten days.

The verse says:

Passing through the freezing cold, he then encountered spring.

After glares and ridicule, he was looked upon with favor.

The Master himself experienced both rejection and warm reception.

I ask you now, was he moved, or did his mind move not?