
Es Devlin在奥斯卡•尼迈耶博物馆周围创造了蜿蜒的路易•威登时装步道

Es Devlin creates meandering Louis Vuitton catwalk around Oscar Niemeyer museum

英国布景设计师Es Devlin为奥斯卡•尼迈耶(Oscar Niemeyer)设计的现代艺术博物馆创作了一条扭曲的步道,用于奢侈品牌路易•威登(Louis Vuitton)Cruise系列时装秀。

Devlin与路易•威登(LV)的创意总监、法国时装设计师Nicolas Ghesquiere合作,为LV在巴西的展览进行场地设计。

British set designer Es Devlin has created a twisting pathway around the Oscar Niemeyer-designed Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Niterói for the Louis Vuitton Cruise Collection catwalk show (+ slideshow).

Devlin collaborated with Louis Vuitton's creative director, French fashion designer Nicolas Ghesquiere, to create the set for the brand's recent show in Brazil.


“我们构思了这样一个环境,直接呼应尼迈耶的未来主义建筑,以及它周围的非凡城市和自然地理环境。” Devlin说。


The duo chose the contemporary art museum by legendary Brazilian architect Oscar Niemeyer in Niterói, Rio, as the setting for the event, which showcased Louis Vuitton's annual ready-to-wear cruise collection.

"We conceived an environment in direct response to Niemeyer's ground breaking futurist architecture and to the extraordinary urban and natural geography that surrounds it," said Devlin.

"The protagonists of the show treat the Niemeyer museum as an observatory to the future," she added.



Models walked along pathways that meandered along the museum's twisting access ramp, through permanent concrete benches and temporary seating in its forecourt, and then around the bottom of the circular building.

The floor of the catwalk along the museum's ramp was covered with a red textile, in reference to its pigmented concrete, while pale blue was chosen for another section that passed over a pool of water at the museum's base.

“模特们走的路线呼应其蜿蜒的线性形态,引导人们看向远处的海洋和岩石景观。” Devlin说。

Devlin说她设计了彩色胶合板、玻璃和穿孔钢座椅,这是对Gambiarra 的Carioca精神的回应。


"The pathways they trace echo its sinuous linear forms and guide our eyes towards the depths of sea and rock scape beyond," said Devlin.

Devlin said she designed the colourful plywood, glass and perforated steel seating as a response to the Carioca spirit of gambiarra.

Carioca refers to anything related to Rio de Janeiro and its surroundings, while gambiarra is described as "the art of transforming the available into the essential".



这座三层高的建筑由现代主义建筑师奥斯卡•尼迈耶和结构工程师Bruno Contarini设计,形状像一个巨大的倒置锥形。蜿蜒的坡道通向其博物馆主厅和观景廊。

"The coloured collage that we perceive in Rio's present is grafted into the 20-year-old retro-future of Niemeyer's extraordinary sculptural architecture," said Devlin.

Completed in 1996, the Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Niterói is one of Rio's major landmarks and sits at the top of a cliff overlooking the entrance to Guanabara Bay, with views over the water towards the city and Sugarloaf Mountain.

The three-storey building was designed by the prolific Modernist architect Oscar Niemeyer, with structural engineer Bruno Contarini, and is shaped like a wide, upside-down cone. The twisting ramp leads to its main hall and a viewing gallery.



Devlin是英国领先的舞台设计师,其主要项目包括2012年伦敦奥运会闭幕式舞台设计,以及Kanye West,Jay Z和Take That的演唱会舞台。自2014年以来,她一直与LV合作。