英文繪本《Eat your peas》親子共讀,如何引導孩子不挑食


今天為大家分享這本關於“孩子挑食”的英文繪本《Eat your peas》。我還找到了外教老師朗讀的音頻,可點擊收聽:



今天這本繪本《Eat your peas》講的就是這樣一個道理。









It was dinner time again and Daisy just knew what her mum was going to say before she even said it. "Eat you peas." said Mum.


Daisy looked down at the little green balls that were ganging up on her plate. “I don’t like peas.” said Daisy.


Mum sighed one of her usual sighs. “If you eat your peas, you can have some pudding.” said mum.


“I don’t like peas.”said Daisy.


“If you eat your peas, you can have some pudding and you can stay up for an extra half hour!”


“I don’t like peas.”said Daisy.


"If you eat your peas, you can have some pudding, stay up for an extra half hour and you can skip your bath."


“I don’t like peas.”said Daisy.


"If you eat your peas, you can have ten puddings, stay up really late, you don't have to wash for two whole months and I'll buy you a new bike."


“I don’t like peas.”said Daisy.


If you eat your peas, you can have 48 puddings, stay up past midnight, you never have to wash agin, I'll buy you two new bikes and a baby elephant.


“I don’t like peas.”said Daisy.


”If you eat your peas, you can have 100 puddings, you can go to bed when you want, wash when you want, do what your want when you want, I'll buy you ten new bikes, two pet elephants, three zebras, a penguin and a chocolate factory.''


“I don’t like peas.”said Daisy.


"if you eat your peas, I'll buy you a supermarket stacked full of puddings, you never have to go to bed again ever, or school again, you never have to wash or brush your hair, or clean your shoes or tidy your bedroom, I'll buy you a bike shop, a zoo, ten chocolate factories. I will take you to Superland for a week and you can have your very own space rocket with double retro laser blammers.



“I don’t like peas.”said Daisy.


If you eat your peas, I'll buy you every supermarket, sweet shop, toy shop and bike shop in the world. Seventeen swimming pools, you never have to go to bed again, or go to school or wash, or brush your hair or clean your shoes or clean your teeth or clean your hamster out, or tidy your bedroom, or put the videos in yourself or get dressed.


I'll buy you Africa and ninety two chocolate factories, we'll move to Superland, you can have all the space rockets you want. I'll buy you the earth, the moon, the stars, the sun and…and…and…


...and a new fluffy pencil case!"


"You really want me to eat my peas, don't you?" said Daisy. "Yes," said Mum.

黛西說:“你真的很想讓我吃掉豌豆,對嗎?” 媽媽回答道:“是的。”

"I'll eat my peas if you eat your Brussels." said Daisy.


Mum looked down at her own plate and her bottom lip began to wobble. "But I don't like Brussels" said Mum.


“Exactly!” said Daisy. "You don't like Brussels and I DON'T LIKE PEAS!"


"But we both like pudding!"

