
英語中, 如何表達“一群”、“一夥”?都用 a group of 嗎?今天我們就來學幾組:

l A gang of bandits 一夥強盜、土匪

l A bevy of young officers 一群年輕的官員

l A flock of sheep/chickens/ducks一群羊、雞鴨

l A herd of ox/cows 一群牛

l A host of demons 群魔

l A phalanx of cops 一幫警察

l A pack of wolves/dogs 群狼

l A ring of dealers一批商人、一堆商人

l A swarm of bees 一團蜜蜂

l In droves 成群結隊地 They come in droves