

10.economic / economized / economical / economist


economic adj.經濟的;經濟學的;合算的;有經濟效益的

economized v.節省,減少開支(economize的過去式和過去分詞)

economical adj.節約的;經濟的;合算的

economist n.經濟學家,經濟專家

【例】This new type of car is fitted with an effective engine, which is ________ of fuel.

A. economic

B. economized

C. economical

D. economist

11.symbol / sign / signature / signal


symbol n.象徵;標誌;符號;記號;v.用符號代表

sign n.符號;手勢;跡象;指示牌;v.簽名;打手勢

signature n.簽名;署名;識別標誌,鮮明特徵;[醫]藥的用法說明

signal n.信號,暗號;預兆,徵象;動機;導火線;v.向...發信號;

adj.顯著的,優越的, 暗號的,作信號用的

【例】In many cultures, the lion is a _________ of courage.

A. symbol

B. sign

C. signature

D. signal

12.scenery / sceneries / scenes / views


scenery n.風景,景色;舞臺佈景;風景畫;舞臺面

sceneries scenery(複數形式)

scene n.場面,現場;(戲劇的)一場;景色,風景;事件

view n.看法;風景;視域;[建築學]視圖 v.看;看待

【例】On my journey by car across the European Continent, I enjoyed looking at the _________ of the various countries.

A. scenery

B. sceneries

C. scenes

D. views