一起來認識這些環保小英雄吧!Kid heroes for the planet

words:330 time:6ˊ ☻☻


Earth is our planet. Countries around the world are growing — but at a great cost. Our environment and the animals and plants that live in it are in greater danger than ever before. Take a look at these kids who are working hard to save our world.

Isabel and Melati Wijsen

Most people like to ask for a plastic (塑料的) bag when they are checking out in the supermarket. The truth is that most of these bags will end up in the ocean (海洋), killing wildlife and even ending up in the seafood that we eat. But two sisters from Indonesia are doing their best to prevent this from happening. Isabel and Melati Wijsen started Bye Bye Plastic Bags in 2013. The group’s first goal was to stop the use of single-use plastic shopping bags across Bali. It succeeded. Bali introduced a law to stop the bags in 2019.

Marcus Deans

In many parts of the world, clean water is more valuable than gold. People get sick and die just because they don’t have enough clean drinking water. A teenager named Marcus Deans saw a photo of a child in Africa drinking dirty water when he was 12. “I was surprised that this still happens in the world,” Marcus says. Since then, he has been working on a filter (過濾器). Marcus calls the filter NOGOS. Now 17, Marcus is still working on NOGOS. “What keeps me going is that I want to find a way for people who need clean water,” he says.

Bria Neff

Animals have provided the inspiration (靈感) for many works of art. When Bria was 8, she started painting pictures of animals. She started an activity called Faces of the Endangered (瀕臨滅絕的) to sell her paintings. She gives the money to groups that care for endangered animals. So far, Bria has painted more than 250 pictures and donated $36,000.

Q & A

Why is Marcus Deans working on NOGOS?


He wants to let more people drink clean water.



at a great cost 付出很大代價

拓展:at the cost of … 以……為代價

eg. He saved her from the fire but at the cost of his own life.

valuable /ˈvæljuəbl/ adj. 貴重的;有價值的

eg. Can you provide us with some valuable information?

拓展:value /ˈvæljuː/ n. 價值;有用性 v. 重視;珍視


The truth is that … 事實是……

eg. The truth is I’ve lost my job.


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