02.29 雅思口語Part3: 遇到的挑戰 (1-4月新題)


Describe a difficult challenge you met (8小題)

雅思口語Part3: 遇到的挑戰 (1-4月新題)

1.Do you think parents should give kids challenge?

原創答案:As parents, we want to raise a child who is resilient and can manage the ups and downs of life. so it is essential to give them challenge and push them to step out of their comfort zone and try something new, When we encourage kids to tackle challenges, they will learn grit and flexibility while also widen their world view and look at a problem from a different angle .they aren’t just solving the problem in the moment,they are building the toolkit they need for tackling future challenges, whether it’s participating in sports, trying out for a play or engaging in a new social situation. they will build habits that will help them thrive. (雅思口語P3情報站)

2.What challenge do you think children might have to face up to?

原創答案:Well, there are so many challenges for them, yet I would like to share a significant one with you. As you know ,social media platforms are in our face every day. It started out as an easy way to stay in touch with our friends and family, but it turned into an obsession for everyone. Nowadays,children are more exposed to the internet and active on social media than we were, this addiction to social media could disrupt other worthwhile activities like concentrating on schoolwork, reading or engaging in sports. The heaviest social media users admit to checking their social media feeds more than 100 times a day, sometimes even during school,I would say this kind of obsession can be highly malicious and a challenge they might face up to.(雅思口語P3情報站)

3. What is the most challenge thing for kids?

原創答案: I would say biggest challenge is that children are much addicted to social media coz they grew up along with the development of internet , Youngsters addicted to social media end up spending hours, each day, watching videos, photos, and other content posted in the accounts they follow. This addiction disrupts other activities, such as school work, sports, study, and other productive routines. They end up wasting a substantial amount of time, every day, resulting in poor grades in school. Some heavy users of social media admit to checking their feeds as many as 100 times a day, and sometimes, during school hours too. Some of the kids also realise that they are wasting a lot of time on social media, which affects their mood negatively. It also builds in them a defeatist attitude.(雅思口語P3情報站)

4.Can parents reduce the challenge that kids have?

5.What are the main reasons people fail to reach their target?

6.How do young people handle difficult or challenging tasks?

7.Which do you think is better, to face these difficulties and challenges alone or to seek the help of others?

8.Do you like facing difficult (or, challenging) tasks?


