

<code>1.About a year and a half ago, Stephen Lawler, who also gave a talk here at TED in 2007 on Virtual Earth, brought me over to become the architect of Bing Maps,
大約於一年半前 Stephen Lawler 在TED 2007 做了一個 關於虛擬地球的演講 也是他使我成為Bing地圖的軟件建築師
2.which is Microsoft's online-mapping effort.
3.In the past two and a half, we've been very hard at work on redefining the way maps work online.
過去的兩年半中, 我們工作得很努力 我們試圖從新定義地圖是如何工作的
4.And we really are seeing this in very different terms from the kind of mapping and direction site that one is used to.
我們是真正的將它當作一個完全不同的名詞來看待 從而改變大家曾經對地圖和 方向的概念
5.So, the first thing that you might notice about the mapping site is just the fluidity of the zooming and the panning, which, if you're familiar at all with Seadragon,
所以, 這個地圖網頁首先引起你注意的 是流暢的地圖縮放和平移, 如果你熟悉Seadragon
6.that's where it comes from.
7.Mapping is, of course, not just about cartography, it's also about imagery.
當然,地圖並不僅僅 涉及製圖學 它也內含影像
8.So, as we zoom-in beyond a certain level this resolves into a kind of Sim City-like virtual view at 45 degrees.
所以當我們放大到一定的程度 這就轉換成了虛擬的, 成45度角的 模擬城市
9.This can be viewed from any of the cardinal directions to show you the 3D structure of the city, all the facades.
你可以從任何角度來看它 它從各個角度向人們展示了城市的三維機構
10.Now, we see this space, this three-dimensional environment, as being a canvas on which all sorts of applications can play out, and map's directions are really just one of them.
現在, 我們看到這個空間,這個三維的環境 作為一塊畫布 各種各樣的應用程序都可以在上面進行發揮 用地圖來指引方向只是其中的一個

11.If you click on this, you'll see some of the ones that we've put out, just in the past couple of months since we've launched.
如果你點擊這裡 你可以看見我們於過去幾個月裡推出的東西 我們的項目已經投放使用
12.So, for example, a couple of days after the disaster in Haiti, we had an earthquake map that showed before and after pictures from the sky.
比如,在海地受災後的幾天裡 我們的地震地圖顯示了 震前和震後的空拍圖片
13.This wonderful one which I don't have time to show you is taking hyper-local blogs in real time and mapping those stories, those entries
由於時間問題,這個精彩的應用我就沒辦法演示給你們看 它於第一時間從本地的博客裡提取內容 將博客中提到的故事和記錄
14.to the places that are referred to on the blogs.
15.It's wonderful.
16.But I'm going to show you some more candy sort of stuff.
17.So, we see the imagery, of course, not stopping at the sky.
當然,我們看到圖象 不僅僅是停留在空中
18.These little green bubbles represent photosynths that users have made.
這些綠色的小泡泡代表 用戶做的照相的合成。
19.I'm not going to dive into them either, but photosynths are integrated into the map.
20.Everything that's cased in blue is an area where we've taken imagery on the ground as well.
所有的藍色地帶 都是我們於地上拍過照的地方
21.And so, when you fly down -- (Applause) Thank you. When you fly down to the ground, and you see this kind of panoramic imagery, the first thing that you might notice is that it's not just a picture,
因此, 你往下飛-- (掌聲)-- 謝謝, 當你飛到陸地的時候 你便可以看見類似的全景圖像 你第一個注意到的是,這只不過是一張照片

22.there's just as much three-dimensional understanding of this environment as there is of the three-dimensional city from above, so if I click on something to get a closer view of it,
但是內含的三維信息 和俯瞰三維城市一樣豐富 所以當我點擊目標靠近觀察
23.then, the fact that that transition looks as it does, is a function of all of that geometry, all of that 3D understanding behind this model.
事實上你可看到的那個轉換的過程 這都靠幾何的功能 這個模型的背後是對三維的整體認識
24.Now, I'll show you a fun app that -- we've been working on a collaboration with our friends at Flickr.
現在,我為你們展示一個有趣的程序 是我們夥同Flicker的朋友開發的
25.This takes Flickr, georegistered imagery and uses photosynth-like processes to connect that imagery to our imagery, so -- I'm not sure if that's the one I actually meant to pull up, but --
這個程序將Flickr裡登記過地理位置圖形 用類似圖象合成的運作方式 將那些圖片跟我們的圖片連接 我不知道這是我要找出來的東西
26.(Laughter) But notice -- this is, of course, a popular tourist site, and there are lots of photos around here, and these photos are all taken at different times.
(笑聲) 但是,你們可以看到, 這是一個熱門的旅遊點 這裡有很多照片 這些照片是於不同時候拍的
27.So this one was taken around five.
28.So that's the Flickr photo, that's our imagery.
那是Flickr的照片 這是我們的照片
29.So you really see how this kind of crowd-sourced imagery is integrating, in a very deep way, into the map itself.
這樣你可以看見這種群集的圖象 是如何合成並深層地融入地圖中
30.(Applause) Thank you.
(掌聲) 謝謝
31.(Applause) There are several reasons why this is interesting and one of them, of course, is time travel.
(掌聲) 這之所以很有趣,有幾個原因 其中之一,是時間旅行
32.And I'm not going to show you some of the wonderful historic imagery in here, but there are some with horses and carriages and so on as well.
我就不展示精彩的歷史圖象 但是其中有馬車之類的東西

33.But what's cool about this is that, not only is it augmenting this visual representation of the world with things that are coming in from users,
但是這之所以很酷, 並不僅僅是因為 它充實了對大千世界的視覺表達 它們從很多人那裡彙總再過來
34.but it also is the foundation for augmented reality, and that's something that I'll be showing you more of in just a moment.
但同時, 這又是增強現實的基礎 過一會兒我將更多地向你們介紹這項功能
35.Now I just made a transition indoors. That's also interesting.
36.OK, notice there's now a roof above us.
37.We're inside the Pike Place Market.
38.And this is something that we're able to do with a backpack camera, so, we're now not only imaging in the street with this camera on tops of cars,
這個只要在揹包上放一個攝像機就能實現了 所以, 我們不光是用汽車頂上 的攝像機對大街成像
39.but we're also imaging inside.
40.And from here, we're able to do the same sorts of registration, not only of still images, but also of video.
從這裡, 我們可以使用各種東西成像 不單是用靜態的圖象,還可以用錄像
41.So this is something that we're now going to try for the first time, live, and this is really, truly, very frightening.
我們現在就來試驗一下 這是我們第一次做直播測試 這真是,真的,非常可怕
42.(Laughter) OK.
(笑聲) 好
43.(Ringing) All right, guys, are you there?
(電話鈴聲) 好了,夥計們, 你們在嗎
44.(Noise) All right. I'm hitting it. I'm punching play.
(噪音) 好,我上線了,我開始玩了

45.I'm live. All right. There we go.
46.So, these are our friends in Pike Place Market, the lab.
47.(Applause) So they're broadcasting this live.
(掌聲) 他們現在在現場直播
48.OK, George, can you pan back over to the corner market?
49.Because I want to show points of interest.
50.No, no. The other way.
51.Yeah, yeah, back to the corner, back to the corner.
52.I don't want to see you guys yet.
53.OK, OK, back to the corner, back to the corner, back to the corner.
54.OK, never mind.
好吧, 算了
55.What I wanted to show you was these points of interest over here on top of the image because what that gives you a sense of is the way,
我想要給你們展示的幾個興趣點 是在頂上的幾個圖象 因為這個會讓你感覺
56.if you're actually on the spot, you can think about this -- this is taking a step in addition to augmented reality.
你好象就在當地 你可以這樣想: 這是在集結現實的基礎上又邁進了一步
57.What the hell are you guys -- oh, sorry.
58.(Laughter) We're doing two different -- OK, I'm hanging up now.
(笑聲) 我們正在做兩件不同的事情 好吧,我掛了

59.We're doing two different things here.
60.One of them is to take that real ...
61.(Laughter) All right, let me just take a moment and thank the team.
(笑聲) 好吧, 讓我們停下來感謝咱們的小組成員
62.They've done a fantastic job of pulling this together.
63.(Applause) I'm going to abandon them now and walk back outside.
(掌聲) 我現在拋棄他們了,接著往外走
64.And while I walk outside, I'll just mention that here we're using this for telepresence, but you can equally well use this on the spot, for augmented reality.
在我往外走的時候,我得提一下的是 這裡,我們把它用做遠程進入現場的工具 但是,你們同時也可以在當地 把這個當做增強現實的工具
65.When you use it on the spot, it means that you're able to bring all of that metadata and information about the world to you.
當你在景點現場用的時候 你就可以把所有的原始數據 和信息都帶到你的所在地
66.So here, we're taking the extra step of also broadcasting it.
67.That was being broadcast, by the way, on a 4G network from the market.
順便說一下,這是在4G的網絡上轉播的 從市場轉播的
68.All right, and now there's one last TED talk that Microsoft has given in the past several years.
好,現在你們看到的是微軟做的最後一個TED講座 這是微軟在過去幾年裡做的一個講座
69.And that's Curtis Wong, WorldWide Telescope.
那是Curtis Wong,萬維望遠鏡
70.So, we're going to head over to the dumpsters, where it's traditional, after a long day at the market, to go out for a break, but also stare up at the sky.
我們現在朝垃圾箱走去 這也是長時間工作了一天後的傳統 到外面去小歇片刻, 然後注視著天空

71.This is the integration of WorldWide Telescope into our maps.
這是合成 將萬維望遠鏡合成到我們的地圖
72.(Applause) This is the current -- thank you -- this is the current time. If we scrub the time, then we can see how the sky will look at different times,
(掌聲) 這是現在, 謝謝 這是現在,但是如果我們轉移時間 那樣我們就可以看見天空在不同的時間是如何變化的
73.and we can get all of this very detailed information about different times, different dates: Let's move the moon a little higher in the sky,
我們可以得到非常詳細的 不同時間,不同日期的信息 讓我們把月亮在天空中移得高一點
74.maybe change the date.
75.I would like to kind of zoom in on the moon.
76.So, this is an astronomically complete representation of the sky integrated right into the Earth.
所以這是將天空完整的 天文代表 合成到了地球中
77.All right now, I've overrun my time, so I've got to stop.
好,我的時間到了 我必須要停下了
78.Thank you all very much.

