索姆住宅,澳大利亞 / Jarchitecture

這棟兩戶聯排住宅坐落在場地的盡頭。緊湊的場地佈局,鄰接沙灘的地理位置,使建築在城市景觀和自然景 觀的夾縫之中艱難生存。此次改造工程將建築的一側儘量擠壓,同時在面向自然景觀的一側向外延伸,以實 現其更好的環境融合。作為對場地環境的回應,建築力求實現其外貌的粗獷、原始和硬朗,卻在內部創造溫 和與舒適的居住氛圍。

This development of two townhouses sits on a quiet cul-de-sac at one end and a beach on the other. Given the sites contextual tension between urbanism and landscape, the design is squeezed and defensive looking at one end and at the other end expands while the massing breaks down toward nature. As a response to the harsh environment at the site, the materials palette works on the premise of ‘tough on the outside, soft on the inside’; external materials are raw, robust and no maintenance, while the interior is soft on the eye and to the touch.

▼狹長的住宅建築,the compact site

建築外貌以粗糙的材料回應了大海的恢弘與波瀾,同時在鄰里之間維持了低調的姿態。未經加工的外部建築 材料既延長了住宅的使用壽命,又降低了其維護成本。通過多種材料的混合搭配,建築在視覺上削減了其龐 大的體量。外部包層材料包括表面鏽蝕的柯爾頓鋼,它與壯麗的海灘相呼應。回收塑料板和木材作為遮雨 板,通過現代化的處理手法讓材料更具耐久性。空間的素色紋理採用日本瓷磚裝點,而彩色鋼板則回應了當 地的建造特點。大膽的顏色填充,黑色的窗戶邊框,以及多種材料的混合使用令建築傳達出歡快的視覺感 受。

The exterior materials are robust in response to the sea’s destructive power and mixed in response to the assorted housing styles of the neighbourhood. The exterior materials are mainly untreated and have a long-life cycle with little to no maintenance. The dwellings incorporate varying materials and textures to break down the scale and reduce visual bulk.

Cladding materials include corten steel which has a rusted finish, effectively beating the sea to the punch line. Also included are recycled timber/plastic boards, mimicking the weatherboards in the area but in a contemporary recycled

material that does not deteriorate for a long time. Textured white Japanese ceramic tiles represent the theme of white brick in the area, while colourbond steel cladding fits with the vernacular. Painted render is used as small infill nothingness, letting the bold materials do the work. This variety of materials, together with contrasting dark window frames creates visual delight.

▼各種建築材料的混搭設計,the exterior materials are mixed


建築坐落於地面低處。因此,位於下層的居住空間可以隱蔽在灌木裡,而上層居住空間則可以遠眺無盡的自 然景觀。住宅的居住軸線保證了其每一個開口都朝向戶外景觀。視線從入口穿過一層直抵對岸的沙灘,從室 內庭院深入到臥室入口,再從廚房操作檯直接穿仰屋頂天空,等等。此次住宅設計旨在建立居住與自然的親 密聯繫,並最大化空間使用環境。鑑於設計優先考慮觀景空間,以及建築自身的狹長規劃,該住宅舍棄了北 向居住空間。天窗的融入讓住宅更添明亮之感。

The building sits low on the land, protecting the lower level with the foreshore scrub while the upper level sits just over the foreshore planting for endless views. The dwellings are set out so that the entry axis of each space has a direct line of site to the landscape beyond. The beach can be seen from the letterbox, interior courtyard from the bedroom entry, the kitchen counter seating looks directly up to the sky and so on. We aim to connect with nature and create a larger sense of space than the site would suggest is possible. Given the necessary visual connection to the foreshore and longitudinal squeeze of the site, planning for north facing living space was not achievable. Skylights have been incorporated to bring more light to the centre of the dwellings main living spaces.

▼客廳朝向戶外景觀,the living room with beautiful view

▼客廳細節,detail of the living room


▼連廊空間,circulation space


▼兒童房,children’s room

▼窗邊觀景,views at the window

▼底層下沉隱藏在灌木中,the building sits low on the land, protecting the lower level with the foreshore scrub

建築內部並不開闊,但傾斜的天花板為上層居住營造出宏大的空間感。主臥套房的水平錯層設計,讓該區域 更顯親密,也讓視線越過廚房操作檯,抵達另一端的美麗景緻。作為住宅的核心部分,臥室套房擁有大型開 放式淋浴,地暖鋪設,美麗的裝飾素材,巨大的天窗和綠植伴隨。美麗的居住生活在此綻放。

The internal spaces are not vast, but the raked ceilings create a grand sense of space in the upper living area. The master suite is more intimate through the use of a split level which also creates the opportunity to look over the kitchen to the water. The ensuite is the centerpiece of the house with its massive scale, open shower, heated floors, beautiful materials, massive skylight and planting; pure indulgence.

▼巨大的主臥套房,the giant suit

▼主臥洗手間,main bathroom



▼材料細節,detail of the material

Project size: 580㎡ Site size: 574 ㎡ Completion date: 2017

Building levels: 2