如何正確學習英語Like father,like son?

如何正確學習英語短語Like father,like son?


如何正確學習英語Like father,like son?



1) 英語“理解”:

Idiom:Like father,like son

1.Said when a son takes after his father in manners, interests, behavior, etc.

2.Fathers and sons resemble each other, and sons tend to do what their fathers did before them.

3. In the same manner from generation to generation.

4. A son's character or behaviour can be expected to resemble that of his father.

5. As is the mother, so is the daughter’.

你“學”英語連這點“用英語理解”的“功課”都沒做,開口直接就“用中文理解”Like father like son,又“用中文表達‘又像父親又像兒子”呢?

你如何能真正知道like father,like son什麼意思?又如何真正能把英語“學”好,學透?

雖然直接閱讀上面的英語文字,無需“借用”任何中文翻譯就能明白like father like son的“英語意思”,但是,在like father like son與中文表達“有其父必有其子”之間並不會直接形成“對應關係”(我的課堂上試過很多學生,中文“不是很好”者並不能說出“有其父必有其子”這句比較漂亮的中文)。



如何正確學習英語Like father,like son?

我們“學”Like father,like son,不光是為了記住這個短語,能用上這個短語,更是為了能夠直接用a son takes after his father in manners, interests, behavior, etc. Fathers and sons resemble each other, and sons tend to do what their fathers did before them. In the same manner from generation to generation等等英語去記住這個短語,以後見到它,張口就來的不只是它的中文義,還有它這一大堆的英語意思。後者更能強化我們的英語能力。

2) 英語之外有英語:Put English into English口語訓練:

1. Okay.Like father.like son is an English idiom.

2 When we say Like father,like son,we mean:Fathers and sons resemble/look like each other in everything,such as manners, interests, behavior, etc.

3. 還可以有基於上述英語的自我英語造句口語表達。


如何正確學習英語Like father,like son?


