親愛的納瓦烏卡教練,很榮幸能與您和您的團隊一同合作,共度這段令人難忘的國家隊時光。值此波蘭足球的特殊時期,我們不會忘記自己曾在您所展現出的激情和壯志之下所收穫的一切,因此在這裡,我和球隊中的所有成員一道,只想衷心地對您說:感謝!Dear Coach, the cooperation with y

親愛的納瓦烏卡教練,很榮幸能與您和您的團隊一同合作,共度這段令人難忘的國家隊時光。值此波蘭足球的特殊時期,我們不會忘記自己曾在您所展現出的激情和壯志之下所收穫的一切,因此在這裡,我和球隊中的所有成員一道,只想衷心地對您說:感謝!Dear Coach, the cooperation with you and the entire staff was an honour. The commitment and passion you demonstrated will long be remembered and appreciated. For all those years of working side by side, for all the beautiful moments, all our great victories… For the special time for the Polish football, I‘d like, together with the entire team, say: THANK YOU!

